I Want You Broken...Like Me.

Start from the beginning

"That's right." Mephiles chuckled, "You'll do well to believe me on this one. I know my truths can get twisted and turn into lies, but this one I assure you is nothing short of the truth. Once you were called away, leaving her to take a cab back home, after a careful decision she decided that it would be best to leave you. She had gathered her things, and a sweet memory to hold onto, and was going to head to a hotel ready to leave you, after all that you've done for her, until she was stopped by your extraction team of course."
I didn't want to believe anything he was saying, but he gave me an image to look at aside from darkness, and everything he was saying, happened right in front of my eyes, as if I was there watching her packing the outfits I saw hanging in the closet and the picture she took with her.
"You see? She's leaving you."
"No, I can't believe anything you say..." I answered feeling like vomiting and the room was spinning, how much blood have I lost?
"You can't? Fine then don't listen to me. How about she tell you herself. Be quiet, and listen..."


"Amy." I heard Sonic's voice comfort her cries.
"I'm so scared Sonic. I can't take this anymore, I don't know how much more I can stand!"
"Don't worry he'll be alright."
"But I feel so guilty. I didn't want Silver to hear but, I was going to leave him. Before he sent for me, I had packed my things and was going to leave." She sobbed.
"Whoa.." Sonic answered, "I asked if everything was alright between you two and he never really answered much of it. I didn't want to pry I guess it's none of my business."


"See?" Mephiles answered back, "Isn't that enough proof?"
"....Broken... is that, how you want me...? Is that, how you feel?"
"For some reason, no matter how evil any being can be there's always that hope that somewhere deep inside, they have a sense of good in them. Like the yin-yang sign, there is a yang in every yin... isn't there?"
"What are you going on about?"
"I'm numb now... I don't feel the pain, not physically anyway. You must have some yang, no one can be all yin. You want me broken, because that's the way you've felt. You compare and see yourself to me, my strengths and abilities, even though your level and skill is beyond mine. But you were broken, weren't you?"
"Shut up, this has nothing to do with me."
"But it does, it always has been. You're capable of showing things from different times, why don't you show me what happened to you?"
"Nothing happened!!"
"You were someone strong weren't you, someone who ruled once. But something happened, someone turned against you, betrayal? Is that why you wish to turn everyone against me, and make me feel betrayed?"
"What makes you think such ridiculous things like that!?"
"Because of what you told me, when you trapped me inside my mind. You told me that I will feel and know of your pain and suffering. The ones you cared for turned against you, didn't they? They put you away and you suffered agonizing pain from your people. Did they send you away to Mobius? They concealed you with Iblis and Chaos making them much bigger than you so that they  could easily consume you if you ever broke free from your prison, a small flame named Solaris."

The darkness had a whole new mood set into it, fear and uneasiness, I got to him. "Now that you're free again, you're pissed off aren't you? No one took the time to hear your story, no one dared treat you like a living thing, just something that was out of place, and unwanted."
"SILENCE!!" He yelled making my ears ring.
"But you have the power to silence me, and yet you haven't. You don't like your story, it is very tragic, you're afraid that if anyone knows of it they will see you as weak. But we all have to face it. Face our past horrors, accept them, and begin to clean the wounds it's left behind, turn them into scars that we can only let others know of, but be the only ones that felt their pain. But you're going about it all the wrong way. I know you wish for someone to finally understand your pain, and agree with you that the hate you feel for those who've done it to you, is okay, its alright to hate. And that you want to see that you aren't the only one that would stoop so low as to eradicate a whole planet of people for the hate you feel. And the answer is: No. That's not okay. I've said this to you once and I'll say it again, even if the whole world turns against me I will fight, just as I always have. Fight for them, because they are my whole reason of living. It's impossible to please everyone in the world, but it's not about pleasing and approval of others, it never is. It's for the ones you care about. Amy might leave me, but I don't hate her for it, in fact I understand her reasoning very clearly. And I wouldn't want to hurt her if she walks away. In fact I would protect her and everyone else just as I always have. Don't you understand? This isn't your world, and these people have nothing to do with what happened to you, but carry your prison that they had no idea of what it was. They worshiped you even not knowing it, and ultimately they set you free. It's time to get over it, start new."

There was silence, he wasn't answering back. The darkness felt like the eye of the storm, eerily calm, while emotions of destruction still raged on the outside. Was he...gone?


"Shadow I'm so sorry..." I heard Amy's voice instead, "I never want to leave you, please don't leave me. I love you so much." She sobbed at my side. Where am I now? My body aches all over, and I'm freezing.
"I love you too." I answered back my voice pathetically trembling.
"Shadow!? Oh Shadow you're awake!! You're alive!!" She squealed hugging me tightly.
"Ow!!" I yelped shivering, "W-what, wh-where am I?"
"Oh I'm so sorry!" She jumped off of me, "Are you okay? We're aboard the Helicarrier GUN's Air HQ. I was so worried!" She started grabbing ice away from my body as I trembled.

Soon everyone filed in the room greeting me and asking questions. But I was so light headed and had a splitting head ache, I couldn't get up or back to work at all.
"So did you find anything out on Mephiles before the base sunk?" I asked.
"No nothing." Tails frowned.
"Well I did..." I rest in the bed being covered in blankets, "I only hope it was enough to stop him."

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