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I sat curled up on the couch with a book in my hand. The twins were running around throwing poppers as usual while mum made dinner, dad was working and Dom was doing god knows what.

"Hey Scout!" Michael called but I didn't move.

A loud crack went off beside me but I didn't flinch. I was used to this. The twins seemed let down by my lack of reaction so they ran off. They may be thirteen but they still have minds of five year olds. Lana's probably smarter than them for God's sake.

"Dinner's ready," her tiny voice called.

I wedged my bookmark between the pages and hauled myself off the couch. I grabbed my plate from the counter and took my place at the table. Friday night dinners were always the worst. Everyone sat down after me, Lana sitting on her booster seat.

"How was school?" mum asked after everyone started eating.

The twins answered then Lana told some story about her new school then Dom spoke up, "apparently Scout wants to be home schooled again," I rolled my eyes at him.

I swear he was hell bent on ruining my life, "why's that?" she asked.

"Do you not like your school? If not there are plenty more in the area," dad told me.

"It's not that I don't like it it's more...it's more I'm not coping with being in a proper school again. It's hard to focus with all these people around me; watching me," I explained.

"You'll get used to it soon," dad said, disregarding the issue.

"But I don't think I will. I just have this feeling that I'm constantly being watched. I don't like it there and I'm finding it hard to focus," I said, pressing the issue.

"You just contradicted yourself," Dom smirked.

"Shut up Dom!" I demanded.

"Don't shout at your brother," my mother told me, not looking up from her plate.

I rolled my eyes and continued eating, "we're not putting you back in home schooling or you won't learn to deal with the real world," my father told me.

"I can handle the real world just fine," I insisted.

"No you can't. You've never had a job and you "can't handle" being at school around other people. Scout, you know nothing," a boiling rage filled me as I abruptly stood up and grabbed my plate and glass.

I walked into the kitchen and dropped them both on the floor, "fuck you," I said simply then walked away.

"Don't you walk away from me," he seethed and grabbed my arm as I started up the stairs.

"Let me go!" I screamed and yanked my arm.

"Jean-Louise Carter!" he scolded. I dropped to the floor and started screaming as he dragged me, "is this because of Tate?"

"No," I said and struggled

"I think it is. You've been spending too much time with that boy," he growled.

"It's not his fault! It's yours!" I insisted as I kicked and continued to struggle.

"Clean this up," he demanded and pretty much threw me forward onto the kitchen floor.

"Get fucked," I spat.

"How dare you speak to me like that," he roared.

"Screw you," I said and got up and ran up the stairs as mum held him back.

I slammed my bedroom door shut and locked it so he couldn't just barge in. I jumped onto my bed and smashed my face into my pillow. I closed my eyes and I must have fallen asleep because when I opened them the sun was shining in through my bedroom windows.

Safe And Sound ~Tate Langdon (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now