Chapter 17

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-The Thief And The Prince-
-Chapter 17-

Paige's POV~


Pure darkness.

Until there was a light.

It was really, unique you can say.

It looked like a star but up close.

I get closer to it and I touched it.

I open my eyes, feeling my face touching soft fur.

The moonlight is out, and I see white fur that I'm touching, grabbing onto.

I let go of Zeus's fur and pet his back, scratching it a little.

I receive a moan in return, he is still awake.

Like always.


I wonder what could've happened if I didn't touch the light...

What if I didn't wake up?

This "dream" hasn't happened in a long time.

I wonder why.

Too many questions for one brain, go to sleep!

That's the problem... I can't.

Jordan's POV~

Oh no.

Not again!

Why now?

Why did it come back after so long? My nightmares are coming, I see it from afar.

My father is standing right there... Looking at his money than at me with eyes filled eith anger.

My mother, her eyes looking at her jewelry and at me, her eyes filled with anger like my father.

Aunt Nita and Uncle Steve, turning against me.

No one protecting me.

My worst fear, to have no one left to be there for me.

It's seems stupid, but it is actually horrifying.

My father use to abuse me when I was young, but I still forgave him because he did lose his wife.

Every time he gets married, it's rather they die or leave him.

This time, the woman of his life, the woman he cared the most, died in cold blood.

I looked so much like my mother, he gets angry looking at me.

I was there with my mother when the kill happened.

Terrorist decided it'll be a good time to start killing random people.

My mother pushed me away before the ninja star could get to me.

Everyone of course lied that any mother would do that.

Both those are just lies.

My uncle slapped my father to get his grip together which made him stop hurting me.

My father came closer, and closer to me.

He took out his tactical knife and stabbed me.

I started screaming in pain, it's real.

It's actually real.

Steve's POV~

I wake up to hear screaming and slammed my door open, Ianita must have heard since she did the same and we looked at eachother.

The Thief And The Prince~ Jordan Maron/Captain Sparklez FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now