Chapter 12

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-The Thief And The Prince-
-Chapter 12-

Paige's POV~

I go downstairs seeing only Jordan left near the fireplace in the living room.

"Oh, hi. Where did er- Nita go? And Steve?" I say looking at Jordan with a questioning look.

He only shrugged and came closer to me, holding my hands.

"Do you want to go..." He pauses for a second, "somewhere else? Other than the woods, the kingdom, the hill?"

I was kind of hoping that he asks me to the ball.

Then again, I might go either way just to dance with random people and have fun with regular people for once.

I nodded and we exit the kingdom and I hear many people talking about masks to go with their dresses.

Jordan doesn't seem to notice, but I needed to look deeper into Ianita's chest to hopefully find a mask. (A/N Btw I notice my mistake by putting Ianite, I meant Ianita ^~^)

How will I do my hair?

Should I have it up or leave it down?

Is Ianita going to help me?

Will she even stay? What if Jordan's parents come and recognize the dress? The key necklace?

I'm doomed if they, especially Jordan's mother, finds out about me!

"Hey, you alright there? You seemed... Troubled" Jordan looks at me for an answer and I nodded.

"Just thinking about some things" I shrugged.

"Did my aunt say anything wrong to you? If she did I'm-" I put my finger in front of Jordan's lips.

"She did nothing wrong" I chuckle at Jordan's panic.

He loosened up we started walking towards big item.

I recognize them..

Boats. Your father used to own some but they were destroyed.

I can guess why and how.

I look over to Jordan who only smiled and ran over to one that is small.

It had only had two boards on it, I reckon to sit on.

Damn, I sound stupid.

Relax, you're new to these things. You did have a life in the forest.

"Hop on" Jordan waves over.

I was unsure but then again I trust Jordan.

I remember Zeus will destroy him if he did something bad to me.


I walk over to Jordan and sat on of the boards as he rows the boat.

"What are you showing me?" I giggle.

"Some.... Fascinating things" He chuckles at my excitement.

I sit on my legs as I see the view of one side of the ocean.

I see Jordan looking at me with emotion I can't seem to understand.

"Is there a mosquito on my face?" I was worried, I hate mosquitos!

Especially when they somehow get in my face.

"No, you're... Fine" He breathes out and smiles.

He starts mumbling something but I shrugged it off.


"Here we are" He says stopping in the middle of no where.

"But there's nothing but water?" I questioned looking around, he doesn't answer but he puts his finger on his lips, telling me to stay quiet.

We stay like this for a while until we heard some squeaks.

My eyes widen and I start looking around.

Then some animal jumps from the water, over us.

"W-what are those?" I ask astonished and smile wide as I saw some strange species swimming around us.

Three more appear and make more noises.

"Those are called dolphins" He smiles at me then the dolphins.

"They're so beautiful!" I start smiling at him and got closer to hug him, "Thank you for showing me this!"

He slowly hugged me back and one of the dolphins flap I suppose their flippers making the water splash.

I laugh at it at how silly the dolphin was.

I let go from Jordan and enjoyed the time with them.

One of them, the one with fade of grey, came closer to me.

I put my hand out, in hopes I can touch the dolphin.

The dolphin gets closer and touches my hand, I rub it smoothly and smile.

One of them, looked more blue, unless I'm hallucinating, and bumped Jordan side of the boat making him stand up from being surprise.

The silver one bumps again making Jordan fall on to me.


I'm blushing aren't I?

Jordan's and my breathe mix together as we both are red.

Its adorable seeing him blush.

It was tempting to kiss him, but I swear something is holding me back!

He gets closer but then shakes his head backing away.

"I'm sorry" He laughs nervously scratching his cheek.

"Its alright" I look everywhere but him.

Things got... Um.. Awkward.

The dolphins thought it was time to leave, we stayed which I'm guessing waiting for the sunset.

As always the Sun's yellow color mixes against with the blue ocean.

I gaze at it smiling.

From the corner of my eye, I see Jordan smiling.

Not at the sunset but at me.



[Edited Before]
Ladies and Gentlemen.

I hope you are gentlemen...

And I hope the ladies are ladies...

Anyways! I am proud to say that we hit more than what I thought this will be.

More than 700 reads and more than 80 favourites!!!

The feedback, the comments, especially the comments, I love it!

I'm like, wow.


I'm glad my stories are good enough for you too enjoy!

I sound pretty much like the rest of the authors.


Although I am thankful for everyone! For liking my readings by putting a favourite, who use their time to read my chapters, Thanks!!

I finished watching "Say I Love You" and "My Little Monster"..

My little monster manga was so much better. I hated the ending, NO KISS!

Say I love you was, okay.

Well that's part of my boring life :D





The Thief And The Prince~ Jordan Maron/Captain Sparklez FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now