14. Southern Georgia

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I walked into the bar, following Damon. There was a beautiful, dark skinned lady behind the counter. Once she saw Damon, she cracked a smile. Damon and I sat across from her.
"Damon Salvatore. Why are you here," She asked.
She looked at me. "Katherine?"
I shook my head. "Elena Gilbert."
She looked at Damon. "Why?"
"I need you to give me the Moonstone. Now."
She smiled. "It'll cost ya."
"How much?"
"Your blood."
Damon stood and broke her neck. He dug in her pocket and smiled when he found a beautiful white stone. He grabbed my arm and dragged me outside. We got in his car and we sped off.
"Who was that?"
"Jess David. She's an old friend."
I stayed quiet. Damon broke the ice.
"We're leaving back to Mystic Falls in the morning. We're staying at a hotel. Different rooms."
I smiled. We pulled up at a beautiful hotel and we got out. Five minutes later, I was sound asleep in the bed in my room.

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