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It was 5AM. Nicole had already forgotten about the morning exercises that made her wake up this early. With an unsatisfied look on her face, she got out of bed and into some gym clothing. She put her hair in a bun and, with the same look on her face, walked out of her room. As she walked out of the corridor, she noticed that Ashleigh had the same look on her face. They gave each other a nod as if they were saying good morning, then, all of a sudden, Nina comes out, looking as bubbly as ever.

"Good morning, Nicole," she said smilingly, "Good morning, Ashleigh!"

The two girls moaned a 'hey' since it was too early to even speak. The girls made their way to the living room, some more lively than others. The girls were the first down there and, as Nicole got a mat and started doing sit-ups, Nina and Ashleigh got a mat and did the same. Eventually, the boys showed up and started doing push ups as if it'd impress the girls. Nicole had thought that Nicki and Alex did push ups impressively quick, however Joe managed to do it twice as fast. Nicole felt embarrassed in front of all these other spies. They seemed to do everything better than she did. She felt like CHERUB taught her nothing compared to her new siblings. They were all so much more impressive. She began to have qualms about leaving CHERUB behind, as when in there she had among the highest BMI and weight.

An hour went by and they started doing fighting exercises, where everyone beat her. As soon as she got in a fighting advantage with Joe, she thought she had won, however he came back up and kicked her in the most awesome way she could think of. She fell backward.

After picking herself back up, she said desperately, "Teach me how to do that, please."

Joe smiled helping her back up, "How long have you been an agent?"

"Less than a year."

"Aren't you supposed to start the Recruiting process at 10?"

"I quit, after my first day," she blushed slightly, "I wasn't fit enough to start recruit just yet at that moment."

Joe looked surprised, "Okay, so get into your fighting position."

Nicole jumped landing with her left foot in front and both her hands clenched as fists in front of her face.

"So, all you have to do is this," Joe continued by demonstrating that simply by moving her hands away, leaving her face and chest open, he had a kicking possibility, something that Nicole had never heard of before. Nicole gave it a try, but, even though she succeeded, she still struggled to get Joe to even stumble backward. "Kick me harder," he'd say, but no matter how hard she tried she still wasn't strong enough.

Sandra came into the room dressed in a pink robe. She looked like she had just woken up from the most peaceful sleep.

"You might want to start getting ready for school," she said, "Would you like me to make you lunches or would you like to buy it in school?"

Some asked for money, some asked for food, and they went on to get ready. The girls wore dresses and backpacks and the guy's either shirts or t-shirts. Nicki and Alex clearly liked to troll, because they wore the same clothes but different colors.

As they were about to leave the house for school, Mr Ashby stopped them, "How about a first day of school picture?"

They all looked at each other and ended up agreeing to do take their first family picture.

A few minutes later, they were at the gates of about the only non-uniform school in the UK. The kids came out of the car, one by one, and as Nicole came out, April jumped out yelling.

"See? I told you I wasn't crazy! She is here," April yelled at her brother, who had a shocked expression stamped on his face.

"Nicole," Junior muttered shyly.

Nicole looked him up and down, she noticed that he was better groomed. He did look better without all that chavvy-ness stinking him out.

"Hey," she muttered just as shyly.

"Hi, I'm Nina," she said jumping out of nowhere shaking Junior's hand, "And you are?"

"Junior, Keith Moore Jr," he said, "Friends call me Junior."

Nina gave him a flirty smile, "Will I be calling you Junior?"

"It depends on Nicole, I guess," he said, hoping to hear Nicole say she wanted him back, however her response was quite the opposite.

"I just moved her. I'm trying to leave my old family behind and, I don't want to point fingers but, it was your fault I overdosed. I'm looking for sometime on my own and, if life brings us back together, so be it," she uttered, "But remember I can't afford to commit an error like that again. I think I actually like this family. Not that the other one was bad. It's just, this one is better."

He gave her a friendly nod and started chatting Nina up like she knew he would and Nicole and Ashleigh began talking to April. As they walked inside the school, they saw that Joe and the twins had already made friends with some guys that didn't exactly look like trouble, like Nicole thought Joe would. Nicole had set eyes on a guy who happened to be looking straight at her too. They smiled at each other. He seemed like a nice guy, but also the kind of guy that would be in it for the naughty things.

Nicole broke eye contact as soon as April started asking for her timetable. She took it out and it just so happened that they were in all of the same classes. April gave Nicole half a hug.

"Just like old times," April said smiling.

They went to their first class, which Nina and Keith were both in as well. They sat next to each other, still talking about everything anything. Nicole sat in the back row next to April, who was searching a backpack for something she wanted to show Nicole, or whatever. Next to Nicole, sat a guy, the same guy she had seen out in the halls talking to Joe.

"What's your name?" He said fixing his eyes on her.

"Nicole," she smiled and looked at him, " What's yours?"

"James," he replied. The irony! Nicole had just had a crush for a James and now, as if one bitchy James wasn't enough, she got another one. He continued, "You're Joe's sister, right?"

She nodded.

"Good, I thought I got you confused. So, Nicole, would you like to come to my house and do "homework" after school?"

Nicole looked as if she was about to say "yes", but April threw herself in the middle of the conversation, "No, she's going to them with me. Thank you very much for your offer, but it's been declined!"

James smiled and whispered, "How about dinner at my house?"

"That sounds lovely. I'll ask my parents," she smiled and sighed as the teacher walked in the room. Nicole thought the loveliness of the situation. She had friends, an almost boyfriend, and a loving family. She was all set for the perfect life.

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