Chapter 2

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I made it back to the Medic Tent where I was suppose to work. The man Peggy hit already in there waiting to be tended to. I took a deep breath and exhale slowly to calm myself down. Once calm I walked over to the man. 

In the nicest voice I could manage I asked "How can I help you sir?" 

I got a good look at his face. He just needed blood washed off and a bandage. 

"Yeah some doll punched me in the face think you can help?"  He replied 

After checking the name tag I nodded and grabed my suplise. I sat in front of Hodge (the name on the patch read)and started workingon his nose. I quickly cleaned and bandaged it before sending him out. 

Once he was gone I groaned lowly. I really hated being a nurse. I wasn't qualified first off and second all the other women were waaaaaaaay to perky. I looked around before getting up and walking out of the tent to check up on the recruits. 

Walking over I noticed Peggy and Steve were in a jeep on their way back to camp. 

"Have a nice ride Carter?" I called once the car came to a stop. 

"Wouldn't you?" She replied smiling. 

She and Steve got out of the car and made their way over to where I was standing. 

"How are you today Jace?" Peggy asked while giving me a hug.

"Eh.. Same old same old. Whats the point in having a college degree if I can't use it?" I replied hugging back. 

She nodded then turned to Steve. "This is Steve. Erskine picked him out for the Science and Research team. Rodger meet one of the best mechanic in the army." 

"Mechanic?" Steve questioned in awe.

"Well yes and no. I'm a nurse but we don't need more nurses here so I spend my time working in the moterpool." I replied. 

"You need to spend time with Howard. Thats where you're going to be something great." Peggy comented. 

"I wish Peggy. I really do." I spoke sadly. 

"Why don't you?" Steve questioned again. 

Poor boy really did just get here. I smiled a little to show I wasn't offended. 

"Because I haven't met Stark and Phillips doesn't think I'm quallified." I sighed. 

Peggy patted me on the back. "You are quallified. Your degree is in Science and Enginering." 

"It is?!" Steve's eyes widened in surprise. 

I nodded "Yep."

Peggy and I chuckled slightly at Steves' reaction to my degree. Its not everyday you hear or meet someone with a Science and Enginering degree. 

"Well I should get back to work. Welcome to the Army Mr.Rodgers." I spoke turning and getting ready to leave. 

"You know better than anyone I don't like that Jace. I'm not that old." Steve replied. 

I smiled and turned to look over my shoulder "Still older than me though Steve."  and with that I was off back to the tent from hell. 

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