Chapter 1

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I never expected anything to happen. I mean I graduated high school early and I'm currently working in the army as a nurse. I do have a collage degree but it's in science and mechanics.

Anyways, I had just gotten back on base with the new recruits when I noticed Colonel Phillips was here. He and I didn't get along to well since I'm smarter than him but he made me a nurse. Its not like I don't like being a nurse (because I don't) its just I feel like I'm not up to my potential. Plus all the guys around here are asking to get socked in the jaw.  

I sighed softly walking over to Colonel  Phillips and Dr. Erskine. "Good morning gentlemen." I said smiling a little. I'm not much of a morning person,but you learn to get over it. 

Turning my head I saw Agent Margrett "Peggy" Carter talking to the newbies. I tuned her out and looked down the line of new recruits and stoped at a really scrawney kid. I looked back at Dr.Erskin with an eyebrow raised. Where'd he find this one? 

"I know what your thinking Jace, but he's the one. He's got a good heart and I know he can help us." The doctor told me before I could open my mouth. 

"Whats his name?" I questioned because hell that boy looked familiar.

"Steven Grant Rodgers. Why?"

"'Cause I know him." 

"How do you know him Nurse Day?" Colonel Phillips asked

"We grew up in Brooklyn together. Then I was shipped off because of my intellegance." I replied not looking at him. 

"Intellegance? How smart are you?" I heared the doctor ask. 

"Some say I'm like Howard Stark. Haven't met the guy. Told I'm just as if not smarter than him. I doubt that though. No one's as smart as a man trying to push us into the future."

"So why don't you work with him?" Erskine asked 

I looked back at them and laughed slightly. "Because the Colonel over there" I started pointing at Phillips "Thinks I'm not good enough." 

"Now you know thats not what I said Day." Phillips interjected. 

"Yes it was now if you'll excuse me Ms. Carter just broke a recruits nose." I replied slightly angered and walking off. 

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