She's Here

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I got a phone call from Mia telling me she was having the baby I dropped of Royalty at Crystal house then quickly headed to the hospital I got there just in time when she was pushing the baby out a couple people in the room mugged me but I didn't really give a damn I had to be here for my child

"Omg Chris you here please hold my hand " I went over to the side of the bed grabbing her hand I swear her ass was bout to break all my damn bones in my hand that shit hurt like a bitch

"You almost there just one more push " the Chinese male doctor said Mia took deep breaths as she pushed one more good time the only noise that filled the room was the baby crying the doctor let me and Mia hold her for a good minute before they took her out the room

"What you plan on naming the baby " I asked it was just me and her in the room her company went to go get Mia and them something to eat

"I'm gonna name her Paris Nicole Brown " a small smile appeared across my face but it quickly disappeared when a thought ran through my head "Chris I know you have doubt but I'm telling you she's yours if you don't believe me we can take a blood test "

"Yea I wanna do that " Mia nodded her head pressing a button on her remote making a nurse come in

"Yes Ms. Knowles " a Puerto Rican female middle age nurse said coming in the room

"I would like to take a DNA test for him and the baby "

"Okay will do I'm gonna need you to sign this " it was the birth certificate she signed her name and the babies name then she handed the pen and paper over to me I wanted to sign it then again I didn't cause I didn't know if she was mines and if she is mines and I didn't sign it I'll look like a bad father

"How long will it takes for us to the results for the DNA test " I asked

" About three hours "

"Do you think I can wait that long before I sign the papers "

"I don't know bout I can see what I can do but before I go open wide " she said holding a Q-tip to my mouth I opened my mouth letting her swap my mouth with the Q-tip before leaving out the room Mia shook her head as she folded her arms I sighed getting comfortable in my seat

Three hours later the nurse came back with the test

"Aye Mia wake up "I said tapping her she slowly open her eyes

"What you want "

"They got the results " she slowly got up sitting up in the bed

" What do they say " she asked

"Well it's says that Christopher Maurice Brown you are 99.9% the father of Paris Nicole Brown " a huge smiled appeared across my face I was happy and shocked at the same time

"Damn" I said rubbing my hand down my face another child I got two kids and I'm only 24 if my ma was here she'll probably slap the hell out of me then be happy about having another grandchild now I most definitely needed to be on my shit now I got to support two kids

"Congratulations Mr.Brown your are a father " she said patting my back" now you can sign this" she said handing me the birth certificate I signed my name handing the paper back to her

"When can we see the baby " I asked

"Oh anytime you want come I'll take you down to the room " I helped Mia out the bed and into the wheel chair I pushed her all the way down to the room where all the baby's where a tear formed in my eye but I quickly sucked it up it hurts to not have my mom here to see her second grandchild it was already painful enough thats she wasn't here to see Royalty born all cause of August bitch ass

"Can I hold her "I asked the nurse reached in the bed grabbing Paris handing her to me she was so small I smiled my eyes start to get watery again this time I couldn't hold it back I let the tears slid down my cheek " I promise I'm gone be the best daddy I can be I love you Paris " I said kissing her forehead a small smile appeared on her face

"Aww she smiled " Mia said

"Daddy made you smile " she slowly opened her eyes then closing them back

"I can tell she's gonna be a daddies girl " The nurse said smiling

"Yea she is " Mia playfully rolled her eye

"Mia I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you that's not like me especially if I knew you was carrying my child I just wanna let you know that I'm here for you if you need anything let me know " I said kissing her forehead

"Thanks I really appreciate that "


"So it was yours " Candice asked as she did Royalty hair for me I was gonna take her to go see her baby sister

"Yup she's mine I'm the father " I said smiling

"Well I proud for you " Candice said with a little jealousy in her voice but I ignored it I don't have time for that shit my mind was on my two Queens Royalty and Paris I chuckled at both of my baby mommas name is almost the same Nia and Mia wow I shook my head "I'm done " I looked at Royalty hair she had the top of her hair in the bun and the rest was down and plus it was curly I picked her up kissing her

"You look so pwetty" she smiled showing her baby teeth "come on let's get you dress "I said walking to her room placing her on her bed going over to her closet I pulled out a blue and white flowery dress with some white sandals I put on her dress and sandals adding her gold bracelet and her gold key necklace that her ma bought her before she died

"Candice !" I called out

"What " she said coming out the kitchen with some chips in her hand

"I'm bout to go if you leave lock up "

"Yup" I grabbed my keys of the key rack leaving out the house I strapped Royalty in then hopped in the car putting on my seatbelt before starting the car pulling out the driveway heading to the hospital

"Dat ah baby " Royalty said pointing at Paris

"Yea that's your sister "

"Ah baby sister " she said confused I chuckled

"That's your sister your baby sister "

"I do her hair " Mia shook her head laughing

"One day you can" Mia said smiling

"I hol ha "royalty asked reaching her hands out for Paris

"She's to little "

"Aww " she said poking her lip out

"When she get a little bit older you can"I said tickling her

"Yayyy " she said throwing her hands up

I smiled I was gone give my two Queens everything in the world I want to be best father I can be I don't wanna be like my dad missing out on important events in my life I don't want that for kids I don't want them crying themselves to sleep because I don't answer they phone calls when I see them calling I want them to tell me everyday that I'm the best dad in the world

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