Chapter 1: The Future is Bulletproof

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Six Years Later...
||First Person||Bomb Sunshine||

I press my back against the wall that takes every bullet and beam sent from the silencers. The impact is still present in my back, but I have grown to ignore it- to live with it. I look over to Rev, giving a silent checkup. Revolution nods to the unspoken question, reassuring me that she is well, aside from the few injuries we had obtained from the beginning of this fight.

"We're going to be okay," I whisper to my younger sister.
"Come out, you art freaks!" a silencer yells from outside the shed we had scurried to.
"They're going to kill us," Rev hisses under her breath. I give Rev a slight smirk of reassurance.

"Not on my watch," I sneer. I examine the rundown shack, finding the possible places to keep us safe and give us an advantage to at least fire the guns out of the silencers hands.

"Rev. If you can spot anyone from the kitchen window, take that space. I'll hold down the living room," I order. Revolution goes to nod, but stops with slight shock in her features.

"Whoa, then you'll get yourself killed! What the hell are you-"
"Just. Do it," I press, staring her deep in her brown eyes. I take Revolution's gun from her tool belt she had looted from a poor, dead soul and press it in her hand. Rev's fingers wrap around the metal object while a spark of fear flickers in her eyes.

"Trust me," I say. "We don't have much time."
"Fine," she huffs before storming off to the designated place. I watch her ready herself by the window, aiming and occasionally shooting at the silencers. I ram my elbow into the window a few times before the glass shatters and bullets are flying by my ear.

Once the bullets come to a small rest, I turn to our attackers and fire at their feet and wrists, watching them dodge the metal bits from our pistols.

"Dance, you bastards!" I cackle, earning a laugh from Rev. A blonde silencer aims her barrel at my head and fires. I duck down just before the bullet had a chance to meet my skin. Another shower of bullets come my way, keeping me crouched under the window, unable to fight the smile on my face as I laugh at them. I also laugh at the tingly feeling coursing through my hands that make them jitter while my heart pounds against my ribs.

"You're fucking crazy," Rev chuckles at me before quickly returning her attention to the silencers. I can only laugh and time my rise to continue my firing.

I rise and position my gun, until a silver car with red stripes along the side drives towards the scene, California's desert dust swirling behind its tires. The vehicle rushes by as the window lowers, a gun peeking out of the small opening.

"Shit," I mumble. "REV, GET DOWN!!!"

I duck down and rush to my sister just as the firing begins, rapid explosives following each other at the speed of light. I cover my sister in an embrace, shielding her from possible bullets. Once the shooting ceases, there is silence.

"Stay here," I whisper to Rev before standing. Revolution nods and I creep to the window I had smashed earlier. Four figures get out of the car and lean against it as they examine the now dead female silencers.

"Did we have to kill them?" the black haired one whines. "They were quite babes!"
"Be my guest if you wanna be captured and killed," the red head sasses before readying a cigarette on his lips.
"They were shooting at someone in there," the one with curly hair points out, nodding towards our rundown shack. My palms sweat as they study the place, hoping for me or Rev to pop up a and surrender. After six years of being against the joint governments the Silencers and Better Living Industries, we knew better.

I slowly peer by the window, having my gun ready at my hip.
"We see you!" one of the men announce, wearing a helmet that reads "Good Luck" on the shield. I blow a sigh and reveal myself to them. The man takes his helmet off and shakes his bleach blonde hair before guiding it away from his eyes.

"Who do you work for?" he asks.
"No one," I growl. "Who do you work for?"
The four exchange a chuckle as they approach me. My body tenses, ready to strike a punch if it gets out of hand.

"Touch her and you'll have a hole right in that blonde head of yours," I hear Rev snarl behind me, aiming her gun at the man's head.

"Feisty youngsters," the black-haired one laughs. "Almost like you, Poison."
"Yeah, almost," the red-head, I assume to be "Poison", smirks; his cigarette twitches as he gives a small smile.

"We won't hurt you," he reassures. But I don't believe him.
"Disarm yourselves," I order. The men glance at each other, then do as told, placing all possible weapons on the dirt. "Identification. Now."
"Party Poison," the red-head says.
"Fun Ghoul," the black-haired man informs.
"Jet Star"- the curly-haired one.
"Kobra Kid," the blonde one says. Rev snickers a little. I look back at her, curious in what she finds humorous.

"Kobra Kid?" she quizzes with a laugh.
"Hey, fuck you," Kobra Kid protests. "Betcha your name isn't near as good as mine!"
"Rev," she spit out, cocking her gun a bit. I smile a little at my threatening sister. I have taught her well in this new corrupt world.
"I'm Bomb," I finish off. We stare at each other for a moment, the space being awkward with new strangers with titles we were supposed to remember.

"Do you guys have any food?" I ask, breaking the silence. Party Poison chuckles and gives a nod.
"Yeah, if you let us in, we'll share. How about that?" he bargains. I look back to my sister, getting a valid approval to accept these strangers. She gives a slight nod and I turn to the men.


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