Somthing Strange

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Lila's Pov
I wake up quickly an realize I am still in the tunnels. I take in my surroundings, it was dark except for a small fire in the middle of the tunnel. The shifter was no where in sight.
My hands were chained to something in the wall. I struggled and kicked but I couldn't get free. "Sam" I screamed as loud as I could hoping he could hear me. I hear feet coming towards me in the tunnel "Sam ,Dean" I scream hoping it was them.
A man steps out of the darkness and I realize it is Dean. "Well what do we have here little Lila all chained up" he says smirking as he approaches me. "Help me down Dean please" I beg. When he doesn't say anything I continue "where's Sam, Dean this isn't funny let me down" I scream and thrash trying to get out of the chains to no avail. "Sammy is a little busy" he says.
"Let me gooo" I scream and start twisting trying to break the chains . Dean walks the rest of the distance to me and places his hand on my thigh holding me in place. "Stay still" he growls and lets go. I turn my legs to the left and spring them to the right kicking him in the face. "Don't touch me you dirty mongrel" I say spitting at him.
"Little Lila now why would you do that to Dean" it says spitting out a little blood. "Your not Dean" I spit back through clenched teeth. His eyes flash yellow as he walks back to me holding a long knife. "Lets have a little fun shall we" he says pulling chains around my ankles , I tried to stop him but he was to strong.
He first trails the blade around my right arm not piercing the skin. When he reaches my fore arm he adds pressure leaving a long gash. I bite my lip to keep from screaming. He then cuts my shirt off me and slices along my sides and along my stomach. The pain was searing but I refused to give him satisfaction.
He saved my face for last as he cut from my eyebrow to my jaw just barely missing my eye. He smiles at his work and walks off "don't go any were he says with a chuckle.
Sam's Pov
We were running through the tunnels trying to find it I took right an Dean took left. I was worried about splitting up but he said it was the only way we would find her .
After what felt like hours of searching I finally hear something besides my feet hitting the concrete. I heard little sobs. I ran torwards them when I see her my heart broke into a million pieces. She was chained to the wall her shirt was laying on the ground and she had cuts all over her they didn't look deep . I ran towards her.
"Sam is it really you" she asks trying to quit crying. "Yes it's me hold on an I will get you out of here" I grab a nail that was laying around an unlock her . She leans against me not able to hold herself completely up right.
I pull her into a quick hug. I took off my shirt and handed it to her after buttoning it up I pulled her onto my back and take off.
We were searching for twenty minutes and found Dean. "Dean is it you ". "Yeah Sam give her to me ,you go an find the shifter". "Your not Dean ,Dean would go after the shifter " I scream and pull out my pistol. "Are you sure Sammy ,what if I'm your brother. I ignore him an shoot him in the heart three times.
After abandoning the shifter I call out "Dean I got her where are you. He comes running in the distance."We gotta get outta here Dean she is hurt" I explain
We pull into a motel and Dean buys a room. We rush her in and get to work I stitch up the wound on her face first and Dean starts on her arm. She yelps at first but then begins to relax .
We had her all stitched up when I took her to the bathroom. "You need to get all this blood off you" I say. I help her get her clothes off and help her into the tub. When she is done bathing I helped her put on her night clothes .
When I lay her in bed she begins to scream. "Lila what's wrong" I ask hovering trying to figure out what I should be doing. "My head it hurts so bad Sam " she manages to say through clenched teeth.
Her screams kick up an octave an she begins shaking. "Dean bring me some pillows to prop her up" I exsclaim. We prop her up then hold her down she was having a seizure. She finally stills and goes to sleep.
"What the heck was that Sam" Dean asked. "Her bodies going through alot" I told him. "No something is going on with her and we need to figure it out" Dean said with a glint in his eyes.
After we knew she was calm we layed down to go to sleep. I didn't know how I was gonna face her tomorrow because I failed her, if I had been paying more attention to her She wouldn't have been beat up like this. She wouldn't have stitches every where and wouldn't be in pain. She probably hates me now I told her I would always protect her and I failed.
Closing my eyes I finally drifted to sleep worry clear across my mind. Whatever happened on the morning I would face it . If she yelled ,fine cause I deserve it. Those were my last thoughts before tumbling into the abyss that is sleep.

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