Chapter 2

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Mina's Pov

I heard a roar and fell back as a dragon came out of the waterfall. I fell back as saw it look at me and I got worried.

"Who are you?" The dragon said.

"Mina." I said. I looked right at the dragon as the dragon looked right at me.

"Well Mina I am Cestia." The dragon said. "And I have chosen to teach you my elemental dragon magic." I nodded and we were out here for more then 6 months then she just left I looked at the guild she dropped me off by and walked in as a table flew at me.

"EEEE!" I said as a attack came out of my mouth and the table broke into peices.

Lucy's Pov

"Hey Lucy." Levy said.

"Yes, what is it Levy." Lucy said.

"I wonder why its quiet?" Levy said.

"Probably because Natsu and Grey arn't around." I said.

"True." Levy said then Natsu and Gray came in.

"Where were you two?" I said.

"Walking around town." Natsu said.

"Did you two get in a fight you two are both bruised." I said.

"Yes." Natsu said. They glared at each other.

"Levy can you scold them I am not good at it." I said.

"I will try you two stop it now!" Levy said but they began to fight as a tabble went tword the door like usual but this time there was a scream.

"EEEE!" A girl said and the table shattered to shreds.

"I am so sorry are you okay?" I said. "Natsu look what you did!" They cringed and stopped.

"I a-am f-fine..." She said.

"Okay eell if your here to join then..." I said and slapped Natsu as he started sniffing her. "Natsu stop sniffing her, anyway you should join a girl like you would make many friends easily."

"Uh I guess I can join." She said.

"Really yeah lets go to Masters office." I said. We went when a short man looked at her and me.

"Master this girl want to join!" I said.

"Hmm let me think...." Master Mocorave said. "Enough thinking Yes!" She smiled as a white haired girl came up to her.

"What color?" Mira said.

"Gold." She said

"Where?" Mira said.

"Hmm... my right shoulder." She said and she put it on.

"Just like me." Natsu said.

"Oh I don't even know your name." I said. "I am Lucy the Pink hair is Natsu and and the naked one is Gray and you are?"

"Mina." I said.

Mina's Pov

I looked away as saw Gray naked.

"Nice to meet you Mina." Lucy said.

"Mina we should fight." Natsu said.

"What I am naked crap Mina if you don't mind can I barrow your under ware." I blushed shaking my head no. "Crap Erza is going to be back again and if she sees me I am dead I am going home to change!" He left and i looked at Natsu and Lucy.

"Wait Natsu you said something what was it again?" I said.

"We should fight." Natsu said

"Sure I guess I can practice a bit." I said.

"Natsu don't hurt her to much." Lucy said.

"I won't go easy." Natsu said. Lucy sighed.

"Don't worry lucy if he hurts me he is the first at least I think." I said.

"Wait what do you mean by I think." Lucy said.

"6 mounths ago I woke up from a coma not remembering my past but I keep seeing fire in my dreams..." I said

"Lets go!" Natsu said and was about to attack.

I hope you like it something me and my friend are rping and it was fun so I thought of doing this.

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