36.Favorite drink: Root beer.

37.Favorite bottoms: Um... What?

38.Favorite flower: The Red Rose.

39.Favorite animal: I love dogs.

40.Favorite actor: I don't really have a favorite actor, because I don't watch that many movies.

41.Favorite movie: I don't watch that many movies. ^

42.Pizza/Pasta: Pizza!!! (Please don't tell Italy!)

43.Fallen in Love: no, I don't think so.

44.Been heartbroken: I've never been in love, so...

45.Have I gone over the text limit: No. I don't have a texting limit.

46.Do I know if someone likes me: nope! :3

47.Do I hate when people change: No. Everyone and everything changes. You have to go with it.

48.Have I been pregnant: no!!!

49.Have I had an abortion: I was never pregnant. Logic.

50.What do I regret in life: I'm really content with my life so far. I guess I wish I knew my relatives a bit better.

51.Have I ever broken a promise: of course. Who hasn't broken a promise on either life? I you rose your hand, you are now a liar,so who's worse? (Wow that sounded mean. Sorry.)

52.Do I hide secrets: Once again, everyone has their secrets and lies. It's just part of human nature. It's totally fine to have secrets.

53.Do I pretend to be happy: sometimes. It depends on who I'm around. If I'm near people I know care and I can trust them then I will tell them what's wrong. If not, I'll usually hide my real emotions with a goofy smile.

54. Has anyone changed my life: I'm sure there are people who have subtly changed my life and have influenced me, but there isn't any one who truly reshaped my life.

55.Have I faked sickness: Yes. Who hasn't gotten out of school for a day or two by coughing a bit?

56.Have I ever left the country: no but I really want to travel.

57.Have I ever tried new things: Yeah. You have to try something new eventually in your life. In fact, from the moments you're born, you try new things.

58. Do I cry over silly things: if I cry over silly things it will be the death of a character or a sad moment with that character. But then again, if it makes me sad enough that I cry, is it really that silly?

59. Have I ran a mile: I wouldn't call it a run as much as I dragged myself a mile.

60. Have I been to a beach: Yeah. I love going to Myrtle beach in South Carolina. I live in North Carolina, so it's not that bad of a drive.

61. Have I argued with a friend: of course. My friends get into stupid drama some times but I usually make up and either apologize or try and see it from their point of view.

62.Do I dislike people: Mostly the idiots at my school. ^-^

63.Will I be alone forever: I don't think so. I'm sure there's a nice blind guy out there. (I'm just kidding or not. Who knows?)


65.Drinking: nothing.

66.Sitting/Laying: I'm sitting on my bed.

67.Plans for today: it's summer break so my plans consist of sleeping, playing video games, watching YouTube, and more sleeping.

68.Waiting for: Half life 3! Make it happen Valve.

69.Listening to: 'Va Fangool' by Nephew.

70.Do I want kids: Yes! I love kids! The only thing I don't like is how destructive they can be, but that's kids. Nothing I can really do about that.

71.Do I want to get married: Another definite yes.

72.Travel: I really want to see Denmark! I want to go to Aarhus,Odense,and Copenhagen.

73.Eyes/Lips: I have brown eyes and just normal lips.

74.Short/Tall: I rather have a taller guy, but since I'm as tall or taller then the guys in my grade, I don't really care. Unless I choose one of the basketball players, I'm kind of indifferent about height.

75.Younger/Older: Once you get older it doesn't matter if they're a few years older or younger than you, but in high school I'm going to stick with peoe from my grade.

76.Romantic/Spontaneous: I don't care how they hang out with me. I just enjoy having them there mind having their company.

77.Trouble/Hesitant: I'm more hesitant I guess. I usually over think everything and look at every little detail before making a decision.

78.Hookup/Relationship: Relationship. When I fall for someone, I fall hard.

79.Looks/Personality: I would prefer both, but seeing as reality doesn't work that way for me, Personality. I rather have a funny peasant than a egotistical prince.

80.Lost glasses: No I've never lost my glasses. I don't really like to wear them, so there's not much opportunity for them to get lost.

81.Snuck out: No. I usually obey my parents as much as possible. I know it sounds lame, but I love them and they only do what's best for me.

82.Held a gun/knife in defense: No But I love to go shooting. It's so fun!

83.Have I killed someone: Um...no. And if I did,why would I admit it on wattpad? Just saying.

84.Broken heart: haven't been I love. Besides I already had this question.

85.Been in love: Yeah, had this one too.

86.Broken bone: I've broken both my arms doing my normal stupid stuff.

87.Cried about death: Yeah, who doesn't? I even cry over fake deaths.

88.Love at first sight: I don't think there is such a thing. It's more of a or device fairytales use so the prince doesn't have to get to know the princess.

89.Been to a funeral: Yes, but I didn't know the person.

90: Heaven/Hell: Why not? The soul has to have somewhere to go.

91.Santa: I don't believe in Santa. I believe in Finland, and he's here on this map. (Jk)

92.Aliens: Sure. I'm not going to start wearing tinfoil hats to keep them from reading my mind, but there is a possibly something's out there.

93.Ghost/Angels: I believe heavily in Angels and Demons. Every single religion has a mention of their god's helpers and their Devil's minions. Me, being a catholic, believe that there are demons and angels.

94.Demons: yep. ^

95.Sexuality: Straight.

96.How do I love my followers: I try to treat them as friends and buddies. I do my best to support them and help as much as I can. To all my follower buds, I love you guys, and thank you for reading this far!

97.Zodiac: Virgo for the win!

98.Celebrate Halloween: Yeah! I love Halloween! You get to cosplay and don't have to get weird looks from people. And the free candy!

99.Believe in love at first sight: Now I think the writer of these questions just ran out of ideas.

100.Last thing I bought: A song on my iPod.

Well, now you know more about me! I hope you enjoyed this little thing. I got the idea from Gil_and_Ludwig so make sure to check out hers.

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