100 Truths

40 3 10

Thanks Gil_and_Ludwig for this idea!

1.Real name: Allison. Nice to meet you!

2.Nickname: you guys can call me Ally.

3.Favorite color: It's either navy blue or black.

4.Male or Female: Female.

5.Elementary: it sucked but I passed.

6.Middle School: it was a lot better than elementary and I passed.

7.High School: I'm going to be a freshman once summer ends.

8.College: I want to study abroad in Europe for my college.

9.Hair: it's long brown and incredibly frizzy. It also is very easily tangled so brushing it is madness. It's pretty much the worst hair possible. :P

10.Tall/Short: I'm 5'6. Make of that what you will.

11.Jeans/Sweat pants: I don't care what I wear as long as it's not girly. So mostly I like comfortable things so, Sweatpants.

12.Phone/Camera: My phone for sure! I can't use Wattpad on a camera.

13.Health Freak: I workout at a gym but I'm not really a huge health freak.

14.Oranges/Apples: I choose Lemons!

15.Crush:Um...well my old crush has a girlfriend now so all I have is my anime crush. Yep. But can you blame me? Who doesn't love Denmark!

16.Boyfriends: none. :P

17. Piercings: I don't really like anything like piercings. I don't even like earrings.

18.Coke/Pepsi: I don't really like either. Please don't hurt me for voting Sweet Tea.

19.Ridden in an airplane: Yep. It's not that bad if your not trying to sleep,eat,breathe, and anything else a normal person does.

20.Been in a relationship: *sigh* no!

21.Car accident: I got in an accident with a freaking kayak. We where driving home when a kayak fell of a drivers car and hit our hood. I haven't trusted a kayak since.

22.Fist fight: I don't usually get into fights and I don't try to start them.

23.Best friends: my friends are mostly girls. They're Selina,Megan,Dawn,Emily, Zene, Margaret, Sabrina, and Savannah.

24.1st award: Just Honors stuff

25.1st crush: It was a guy from my elementary school. That is all I'm saying...

26.1st word: Most people have theirs as mama or dada mine was 'that'. So I could point to things I wanted.

27.Talents: I'm good at writing, or at least I think I am. I have a great memory and analyze everything.

28.last person I talked to: my brother. We were fighting over the computer.

29.last person I texted: my friend Jennifer.

30.last person I watched a movie with: I watched the minions movie with my family.

31: last thing I ate: a bowl of frosted flakes.

32:last movie/tv show I watched: South Park!

33.last thing I listened to: Fairytale by Alexander Ryback.

34.last person I hugged: my dad. I love giving hugs but only to my family and very very close friends.

35:Favorite food: Sushi is amazing!

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