SasuNaru: When It Rains

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Hi Guys! TrueYaoiQueen here with my first installment on Wattpad for the Fanfiction department! I'm starting you guys off with a T rated fic. Contains mentions of abuse and FLUFF! :) Also, the cover isn't mine, I just thought it would fit! I do not own Naruto or the cover photo!


It was pouring. The clouds crying tears of pure water down onto the wet and soggy earth. A mess of sunshine colored hair bobs through the airborne puddles. His skin was freckled with bruises and littered with cuts; usually hidden by his orange jumpsuit. Now, only clad in a black tank top and boxers, the demon vessel was terrified and had every right to be.

     The boy looked around frantically for some place to hide, just somewhere to sleep safely through the night. The thought of what his 'friends' had spat rang through his young mind. They acted as if he truly were a monster.

     Watery cerulean eyes flicked to every potential safe place he managed to notice through his blurry vision. Suddenly, his eye had caught something. An open window.  Almost instantly, the boy splashed through the puddles recklessly to try and reach the window as soon as possible. His knees down were drenched in gooey, wet mud and stained his beautiful tanned skin and dirty brown-orange color. As he got closer, though, his excitement died. The window was two stories up, and he didn't have the energy to climb up to it. Blue eyes searched frantically for a platform to stand on so he had some sort of leverage to help him on his way up. Unfortunately, the only items in sight were cardboard boxes, and they were all broken down and soggy from the torrential downpour. The fox vessel was left with no other choice. He had to run the wall.

     Taking a deep breath, and then choking on the dry, humid air that tickled his throat in unpleseant way, the blond took a few steps back and quickly pushed his feet off the ground to gain as much momentum as possible. He leaned forward and shoved his way against gravity towards the open window. The blue chakra at his feet began to sputter and crackle as the boy had strained himself too far in his effort. Panicking, he gripped the rough bricks under his nails and bit back a cry from the rough suface eating away at his soft skin. Finally, he felt the cool air of a bedroom hit his fingertips as he grabbed tightly to the plastic surrounding the square in the wall of the house. With the very last bit of strength he had, the blond hurled himself into the opened, air-conditioned room and landed onto a soft comforter. He wasn't able to think about where he was until Father Time had lulled him into sweet dreams.


     Half-lidded onyx blue eyes lazily shifted from left to right, scanning the illuminating room. A pale hand rose and brushed through the owner's raven hair and slowly fell back to his side. He rubbed his eyes a few times, letting them get used to the splash of color caused by the rising sun. His mouth curved downwards at the corners and glared at the bright light. The light shade of sunshine almost matched that of the unruly ninja of team seven's hair. His friend always wore that stupid shit-eating grin...


     "Why am I thinking about this so early in the morning...?" The young teen groaned, rolling onto his feet.

      Bare, pale feet scuffed the the polished wood floor in the Uchiha complex. They carried the raven haired ninja upstairs toward his brother's room. No matter how much the Uchiha boy outwardly despised his older brother, he still loved him. In fact, the young teen cleans his older brothers old bedroom every day, making sure it's in mint condition in case he ever decided to return. 

       The raven quietly turned the knob to his brother's bedroom, silently wishing to find the man there. The heavy wood door creaked and onyx eyes widened considerably at the sight of who replaced his brother. Anger boiled up over the edge of his control as he stomped over to the bed and wrapped his plae hands around the blond teens throat. Upon applying steady pressure, cerulean eyes shot open and tan hands snapped up and wrapped themselves around pale wrists. The younger teen kicked up at the pale one and struggled hard against the hands thretening to cut off his air supply.

         "S-Sas.....uke......" The blond choked, tears pooling at the corner of his eyes.

         Sasuke let go of the blond quickly, his hands still trembling from anger.

         "Why are you in my house Uzumaki?!" He shouted.

         Naruto raised his eyebrows in confusion before looking around the room. The Uchiha symbol was proudly placed above the door frame in Itachi's old room.

         "Oh...I remember this room...your big brother used to let us both play in here when we were friends." The blond smiled softly.

         Sasuke clenched his fists tightly. His knuckles went white with fury and angry tears bit at his eyelids. Naruto took quick note of the other teens negative reaction before looking down at his lap and continuing.

          "Remember that time we got a hold of his kunais? He got so mad at us, I didn't think he'd ever let us play in here again."

          "Shut up Naruto..."


          "I said shut up!!!" Sasuke screamed, his Sharingan glaring down at the blond.

          Tears fell from the ravens pale face. His Sharingan slowly faded away as sobs rocked the older boy's body. Sasuke let go of his self-control and let years of bottled up anger and sadness bubbke out of him.

           "I-I hate you!!!" He choked out, gripping onto Naruto for comfort.

           "Well...I'm still your friend matter what, okay?" Naruto smiled, hugging his old friend close.

             "I'm so sorry for being an ass...I...I thought that Itachi was my world. Then I saw my parents and-"

              "Sasuke...d-don't cry..." Naruto sobbed, wrapping his arms around his neck and giving Sasuke a choke hold style hug.

               Sasuke untangled himself from Naruto's hug and a small smile tugged at his pale lips. He wiped away the blond's tears with the pads of his thumbs. Cerulean blue eyes continue to overflow with tears and Sasuke pressed gentle lips to tanned cheeks.

                "I know this is extremely cliche, but I just want to sit like this for a while, okay?" Naruto sniffled, cuddling back up to the other boy.

                 "We have all the time in the world." Sasuke smiled, pressing his soft lips to Naruto's cracked ones.

                 Naruto's face flushed pink and he smiled. The sun was never brighter.  

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