Chapter 2

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Effie had been at SFIT for a while now, a few weeks actually. She'd already met the whole team: Honey Lemon, Gogo, Wasabi and Fred. She already started working on a project for a few days, but Hiro hadn't yet seen it.
It was 10 p.m. Hiro was upgrading Baymax's suit, when Effie rolled in...literally. She burst through the door screaming, "MUFFINS! MUFFINS! MUFFINS FOR HIRO HAMADA!" on roller skates. Hiro chuckled as Effie came to a stop in front of him. She had two chocolate-chip muffins in her hands (one which she already took a bite out of) and handed him one. "Thanks," he said, taking a bite. "What's the occasion?"
"I finally completed my invention!" she squealed, jumping. She lost her balance, nearly hitting the ground, but Hiro caught her arm and brought her back up. "Sorry," she exhaled. "Come look!"
Effie pushed off on her right skate and glided out the door. Hiro ran to catch up until they got to her lab and went in after her. The table was covered in pencils, blue prints, and a journal with sketches. Crumpled paper was littered all over the floor.
"Wow," Hiro said. "And I thought I was messy." Effie chuckled. "Yeah, I'm not what you would call a neat freak." She took a moment to take off her skates and walked on the floor with just her socks on. "Okayyy..." She turned to pick up something off her desk and showed it to Hiro.
"You see this?"
"Um..." He was confused. "Sorry to break it to you, but bracelets have already been invented."
"True, but this is no ordinary bracelet," she told him. She snapped it onto her wrist. "You know how that transmitter you invented last year gave you the ability to control the Microbots?"
"Y-Yeah?" Hiro stammered. It was weird for his new friend to talk about it so nonchalantly. But of course, Effie didn't know about Robert Callaghan or his brother's death. She didn't even know he had a brother. He told her he was always a single child. So did everybody else. It was touchy subject, nobody would ever mention it.
Effie's voice pulled him out of his thoughts.
"This gives me the ability to control anything," she said. She moved to the left side of the room. "Just watch." She stretched her hand out flat, her palm facing up. There was a moment of silence, then she tossed it up. The book laying from the other side of the room flew up in the air and fell to the ground.
Hiro jumped up. "That's amazing! How did you do that?"
"The metal transmits my commands to the object I want to move," Effie explained. "I have multiple copies of these bracelets. I would've used another one for my other hand, but I didn't need it now." She walked across the room and opened a cabinet from the right side of the table. She grabbed one more bracelet from the pile and snapped it on her other wrist. "I haven't come up with a name for these yet, though... How does 'Telekinetic Cuffs' sound?"
"I guess that's okay."
"Great! I'll present these next month, if Professor Robertson has any room for me in the showcase."
"I'm sure he will," Hiro assured her. Effie grabbed the black sneakers she left at the corner of the room and sat down to tie them on. "I'm gonna start heading home."
"I'm a little hungry," Hiro said. "Wanna get something?"
"Sure." She finished tying her other shoe and they left SFIT.
Hiro took Effie to the Lucky Cat Café. Aunt Cass was flipping the sign to Sorry, We're Closed and saw them coming. "Hiro!" she exclaimed. "You usually return home around midnight. Why'd you come so early?"
"It was getting late for Effie, I thought she could come by." He turned to Effie. "This is my Aunt Cass. Aunt Cass, this is Effie." She took her hand. "Nice to meet you, Miss Hamada."
"Call me Cass," Aunt Cass said with a smile. "Do come in!" She opened the door  for her and they all walked in.
"What would you guys like?"
Effie took a muffin with a cup of milk and Hiro took a doughnut and a smoothie.
Afterwards, Effie thanked Hiro and Cass and walked home. She only lived a block away, so she got to her apartment in a couple of minutes.
She took out her keys, opened the door, and walked in. The lights were off, her parents were probably already asleep. They knew she wouldn't stay at her school for long. She took down her ponytail, waves of black hair drooping over her shoulder. Effie kicked off her sneakers and sauntered to her room. She hadn't realized how tired she was. Her eye lids were starting to get a bit heavy.
Almost there, she thought to herself.
She collapsed onto her bed and closed her eyes. She didn't bother changing into her PJ's.
Effie instantly fell asleep. She was in white space. A dream? She never dreamt anything. What's going-? Effie stopped. She had control over herself? This didn't make any sense. It was probably lucid dreaming.
Suddenly, everything went black. She was sitting at a table, in a dark room. She saw a figure of a tall man in the corner.
"You! What do you want?"
"Dr. Nishimura is getting impatient," he said. "It's been over a month."
"She'll get him, I swear!" she yelled. "I just need to get a bit closer, I have to earn his trust. It won't be long."
"How long?"
"Soon, okay? I almost have him."
"You'd better. Or your parents pay the price."
"Don't bring my parents into this, they have nothing to do with it."
"They have every reason to do with it," he shouted. "If it means you will get the boy down here!" Effie jumped and gasped as the man slammed his fist on the table.
"Now either you get Hiro Hamada down here or we'll take you as a replacement and your parents suffer the consequences! Understood?"
Effie squeezed her eyes, trying to hold back the tears. She hated doing this, taking people's orders. Especially since she was hurting Hiro. She didn't want to do this. But she was weak, and if it meant protecting her family, she'd do it.
Effie nodded. Then she opened her eyes.
"Are you going to take over my dreams, too now?"
"If it gets you to stop stalling and get the target. We'll be in contact."
Effie woke up sweating.

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