Chapter 1-New world

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She finished to brush her brown long wild hair. The brown bengs fell messingly on her forehead. She changed her white nightgown to white shirt and dark gray pants. It was the start of a new year in the high school for Miral Yume. Miral was seventeen years old girl with a weird hobby. Katana swordship.

Yes it was her favorite part of the day. When she could train peacefully with her katana in her apartment. Since she lived alone it wasn't a problem. Well she could train only in her free time since using the katana in public could lead to her arrestment. Miral touched the katana that lied against the table. The katana had a yellow red handle and a black case with white Xs. Well off to go.

Miral put on her black shoes. Yep she preferred to wear the school pants over skirts. It was more of her style. It was the start of a new year in highschool but its still felt plain to her. Miral looked out of the window at crystal blue sky. If only I could truly develop my katana fighting skills and fight strong swordsmasters and go to adventures and...OK I should stop here. Firstly let's arrive to the school. Maybe I could break my last record. It was thirty minutes.

With determination in her eyes Miral took her bag and ran out of her house. Little did she knew it was maybe her last time seeing her apartment.

Miral ran with her bag on the sidewalk own her way to school. The street was quiet since it was still early in the morning. "Almost there!" She smiled.


A red haired boy crossed the road when suddenly a car moved in a fast pace to him. The driver was probably drank or too tired to notice the little boy. The boy stopped in his tracks obviously too shocked to what's happening.

"Watch out!" Miral pushed the boy away from the road just in time to avoid the car. They both fell in the sidewalk."Ouch..." Miral rubbed her head. Ah! Right almost forgot..."Oi! Boy are you alright?"The boy was already back on his feet. He nodded and blushed. "T...Thanks!" He ran away. Miral blinked. That was very...thankful.

She got up and started to walk away too. Well time to continue my sa..."Huh?" It all happened in slow motion. Miral tripped on a rock. But the real event happened when Miral was about to hit the ground a blue portal opened on the sidewalk. And guess what? Yes she fell into it.


Miral felt like she was on something hard. Stony. Defiantly not her bed. Slowly she opened her eyes and blinked a couple of times. The light was quite strong to her eyes. Finally her brown eyes adjusted to the light. She noticed that she lied on a bare ground. She set on the ground checking her body. No injuries. Cloths are fine.

Wait a sec! Is that my katana?! Next to her lied her katana Kloy. The katana was also fine. Then something hit her. I fell on the sidewalk didn't I? Miral took a quick glance around her. She was in a forest. Did she had a big forest in her city? No she hadn't. Then..."Huhhh?!!!"I... Wait what?...I fell...But into what? No I didn't fell on the sidewalk...The memory of the portal came back to her."The portal!"

"Hey! Who's going there? Show yourself!"A manly voice was heard from close by. Immediately by instinct Miral took her katana in the left hand and the handle in the right handle ready to draw her sword. Footsteps came closer until two guards emerged from the forest. They wore brown kimono with gold robes. "We are the royal guards. You are not to move and come with us." One of the guards flashed a smile to Miral.

She knew all too well what it meant. After She didn't move from her spot. One of the guards drew his katana and started to advance to her. "Now come quietly with us and you won't get hurt..." Miral drew her katana fastly and swung towards his katana effectively knocking his sword from his hand. "Ah?!" He looked shocked at her. "Why you!" The other guard charged at her with his katana as well. Miral blocked his katana with her own and forcefully knocked the sword from his hand.

What she was doing? No idea. Did she had fun? Yes! It was her first fight with somebody! OK focus. I know! Miral put the edge of the katana next to the neck of the guard. "Where am I?" He looked confused at her. "Answer me!""Ah... In the gold continent.""Where the nearest village?""The Omari village is close. You'll g... Get to it if you walk straight.""I see. Well thanks guys." Miral flashed a smile to them and then ran off to the direction where the village was. I guess if I here without a way back I'll better enjoy myself.

I really lied back to my situation huh? Well its because she was an orphan who was rised by a women that left her to live by herself at the age of twelve. So yeah she didn't had really much responsibilities. If she stuck in a new world better to enjoy it.

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