Chapter 2

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"You-- ah, got any cash in there?" A guy asked, holding a gun to her head. "Uhm.. I--" She managed, closing her eyes tightly. She heard someone shout, and the sound of metal hitting concrete. She didnt dare open her eyes, for fear the one who saved her would see her cry. She let her arms down slowly and opened one eye slowly. Her attacker was on the ground, and a shadowy figure stood above him, panting slowly. A crowd of people rushed foreward, one or two calling the police, a few checking on the person who saved her, and a few more crouding around to see if she was okay.  She closed her eyes again, her breath speeding up. She couldnt stand being crouded.

"Guys! Let the girl breathe!" The one who saved her shouted, making the rest back away from her. The person who shouted was a man, she knew that. She heard him walk close to her and felt him put his hand on her cheek. "You okay?" He asked. And then she blacked out.

When she awoke, she was in a very firm bed, which was too firm to be her own. She lifted herself up, only to be stricken with an indescribable pain in the back of her neck that made her lie back down. "Oh, Jeezus, you're awake..." A girl said. The girl rushed over to Lucy's side. "Uhm, ahh-- GUYS! SHE'S AWAKE!" She shouted twoards the door, and a large group of people rushed in. Lucy started to hyperventalate. "Get back! She's probably claustrophobic!" The girl at her side shouted.

"Wh--Where am I?" Lucy asked, looking up at the girl. "You're in the hospital, sweety." She said, putting a hand on her forehead.  "Do I know you?" Lucy asked. "Maybe... I'm Jaime." She said, holding her hand out for Lucy to shake. "Hi, Jaime..." Lucy said slowly. "Maybe she remembers Joe?" Someone asked.

"JOE! GET IN HERE!" Jaime shouted. A burly man walked into the room, who Lucy assumed was Joe. "Why didnt you guys tell me she was awake?" Joe asked. "You were asleep." A short girl answered. "Well,  yeah, but you could have woken me up..." Joe said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Hi, Im Joe. Joe Walker... Do you remember me? From this morning?" Joe asked, sitting down on the bed next to Lucy. "... Should I?" Lucy asked.

"You should. You served us the best coffee ever." A tall guy said, tucking his long hair behind his ear. "Does that mean you know me? So, you know who I am?" Lucy asked excitedly. "Lucy." Joe said quickly. "Your name is Lucy." He added. "Hmm...  I dont really like that name. Do you know if I have another?"

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