Ch. 2

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After school I can't stop thinking about that Tris girl. She took me into her group within five minutes and became my friend. Not to mention how attractive she is. I thought love at first sight, wasn't real, but then again all this could just be in my head.

Then, as I am daydreaming, I hear a girl yell out in pain. Oh god. It's pretty obvious it came from the house behind me. Thoughts race through my mind as I form a plan of action.

I grab a bucket from my bathroom and jump out my window. I look around and grab a bunch of pebbles about a half inch thick. It won't break the window, and I'll be able to get at least someone's attention.

I run over to her house and start tossing the pebbles at the window. I here a loud 'crash' and then a see someone look out. Her face is etched with pain, but it seems familiar to the girl. She smiles a little, and cracks open the window, enough for me to crawl through.

I grab  a branch from the tree beside the house, and hoist myself up onto it. I almost catch my foot on a nest, but dodge it. I scratch my hands, climbing a couple more branches, then make sure I'm close enough to her window.

Finally, when I'm up, I see Tris sitting on her bed, a pained expression scarring her face. My heart breaks in half, scared out of my mind. "Tris, what is this?" I whisper.

 She turns around and I see her shirt stained with blood. Oh my god. Someone is about to get beaten to a pulp, more than her.

She pulls up the back and I see open wounds, scars, all from what looks like a belt, maybe more. It's for the first time I notice the light scars on her wrist as well. 

"My father." she whispers. 

"What about your Mom?"

"He. He killed her. Never got arrested."she mumbles under her breath, her voice scratchy and painful to listen to.

She pulls down the back of her shirt. "So. You are pretty much the only one that knows now. You are the only one I can tell. The guys are idiots and would get themselves hurt, and the girls would end up beside me." she says quietly.

 I see tears brimming at her eyes, and my own start to burn. I'm not one to cry, but then again I've never had to deal with something like this before. 

"Hey, let me see your phone." I say, with an idea in my head. 

She hands it over, and I write in the note section, "If it ever happens again, call or text if you can. 456-123-7890" She looks at it and smiles. A pained smile, but a smile all the same .

Crawling out the window, I wave and she blows a kiss weakly. That poor girl. No, I can think like that. She's an independent woman. I know not to look at her like a kicked puppy. I can tell that fear doesn't shut her down, it wakes her up.

That is why I need to help her.


When Four leaves, I go into my bathroom, trying to clean up the wounds. I grimace in pain, trying to bend my arms far enough, but the marks are too deep, to painful. Gushing blood. It's not working. I decide to lie my way to his house.

I get up slowly, and head for the man I call 'father' 's room. "Daddy?" I say, hoping for him not to yell.

 "What do you want child!" He spits like venom.

 That mans heart must've been forgotten when God made him.

"I need to run to CVS and get some cleaning supplies. I'll be back at 5:00 to make dinner for you." I say, hoping he will buy it. I cross my fingers.

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