An Unexpected Proposition Part 10

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Two years had gone by and Aimee had recovered from the attack. Patrick had recorded a solo album and Braxton was growing fast. Their lives were finally

getting back to normal. Patrick and Aimee were even talking about having another baby. They were relaxing on the couch one evening watching a movie when

Patrick's cell phone rang.

"Hey Trick!"

"Pete. What do you want?"

"Listen, I'm better now. I'm on my medication and I am ready to leave. I want to talk to everyone."

"Pete I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not sure we are ready."

"Please Patrick, I want to apologize for everything. And I want to talk about getting the band started again. I have been writing new material."

Patrick stood up and walked out of the room so Aimee couldn't hear the conversation

"Do you really think we are ready to talk to you? You turned our lives upside down Pete!"

" I know and I will never forgive myself for that. I swear I am better now and I won't even think about Aimee like that ever again."

"You're Goddamn right you won't. If I even catch you looking at her like that I will kick your ass! You want to talk, fine we will talk but everyone

talks together."

"That's fine. Set it up Trick."


Patrick ended the call and walked back into the living room.

Aimee looked at Patrick with concern. "That was Pete? What did he want?"

"Yeah. He says he is better now and wants to talk to everyone."

"Do you believe him?"

"I don't know yet. He says he has new material and wants to get the band back together."

"When does he want to talk?"

"He wants me to set it up. I have to call Joe and Andy."

Patrick dialed Joe's number. "Joe, it's Patrick. Pete just called me and he wants to talk to us. He says he is better and wants the band back together."

"Well, I guess it can't hurt to talk."

"When do we want to do this?"

"How about tomorrow night?"

"Fine. Can you call Andy?"

"I'm on it."

The next evening, Joe and Andy came to Patrick's house to meet with Pete. Everyone was waiting in the living room when the doorbell rang. Patrick

got up and answered it.

"Patrick, it's good to see you."

"You too Pete. Everyone is in here."

Pete followed Patrick into the living roomand the others all stood up

"Pete it's good to see you."

After everyone hugged Pete and sat down, Pete started talking.

"First I would like to talk to Aimee. I know that I did something horrible to you and you will never be able to forgive me for that. I took away your trust

and I am truly sorry. I will understand if you never talk to me again but please know that I am on my medication now and I will never stop taking it again."

Aimee stood up and walked over to Pete. She hugged him for a long time. "Apology accepted. It wouldn't be right to take Braxton's Uncle Pete out of his life,

but know that I will be watching you."

Pete nodded. "And Patrick, I ruined every bit of friendship we had that night. I know you will never be able to trust me again."

"Pete, what you did was stupid but I know that you were sick when you did it. I was pissed but I am okay now. I've moved on from it. I want us to be able

to start over. Can we do that? I want the band together and successful but we have to work together."

"I'm with you Patrick. I've done a lot of growing up in the last couple years. i've seen how stupid I was and how bad my actions hurt everyone.

I'm resady to be a man."

"Good. So I'm back, Pete's back. Joe, Andy are you with us?"

"110% Joe is in. Andy?"

"You can't have a band without a drummer. I'm back."

Aimee stood up. "Well now that you all have lots of work to do, I will leave you alone." Aimee kissed Patrick and left the room

Pete opened his laptop. "Okay, so I was thinking these new songs should kinda tell a story. I thought the album could be called Save Rock And Roll."

Patrick, Joe and Andy all nodded in agreement and stated going through the lyrics that Pete had written. They worked for three weeks on music, lyrics

ideas for their comeback. Somehow Patrick knew this was going to be amazing.

He didn't know how right he would be.

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