An Unexpected Proposition Part 6

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 "Patrick I feel really good tonight. I want to be backstage to watch you."

"Aimee, I don't know. You are so close to your due date. Are you sure?"

"Hon I feel really good. I need to get off this bus for a while."

"Okay but if anything happens security is bringing you right back"


At that moment Pete came flying in with an envelope in his hand. Breathless, he panted "the results are here."

Pete and Patrick sat down together. This is what they had waited for. Who was going to be a father?

"Andy you open it"

Andy took the envelope and ripped it open. "It is with 99.9% probability that the father of said child is.........."

Suddenly Aimee cried out. "Oh God! My water broke!"

Patrick and Pete both stood up and in unison shouted "WHAT?"

"Pete, drive to the hospital! Andy, we have to postpone the concert! Grab the envelope!!"

Andy shouted behind them "I'll take care of everything!"

Patrick helped Aimee into the Hummer and Pete took off. Patrick held her hand and soothed her the entire way.

"Oh Patrick, I'm sorry for ruining the concert"

"You never mind the concert. You are way more important."

Pete looked in the rearview mirror. "Listen to him Aimee, the concert can be rescheduled."

Aimee nodded, focusing on breathing through her contractions. Every time she felt one, Patrick talked her through it, kissing her forehead.

When they arrived at the hospital Pete parked the car and helped Patrick take Aimee inside. After she was ready they were allowed in the room.

Patrick took one side and Pete took the other, talking softly to Aimee.

"You can push now"

Aimee started pushing with all the strength she had. It was almost over now and she summoned up the last of her energy and gave one last push.

"it's a boy!"

Aimee collapsed in exhaustion and Patrick started to cry.

"He's beautiful! Pete, come look at him!"

Pete came over to Patrick and looked at the tiny newborn. He was perfect.

"Who wants to cut the cord? Who is the father?"

Patrick and Pete looked at each other then at the envelope on the table. Pete picked it up and read "It is with 99.9% probability that the

father of said child is.......Patrick Stump."

Patrick broke down in tears. He was a father, had a beautiful girlfriend and a wonderful best friend. How could anything be better?

Pete hugged him and smiled. 'Congratulations! Now you can call me Uncle Pete!"

"I'm sorry it didn't turn out the other way."

"It's okay. Nothing changes us."

Patrick turned to Aimee. "You have just given me the best gift I could ever ask for. Thank you for my beautiful son."

Aimee drifted off into a deep sleep and Patrick held his son and swore he would never let them go.

An Unexpected PropositionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora