Chapter 17

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Rose's pov:

My plan worked, Jake accepted Benji not only that but he begged forgiveness, I have an idea which one of them is going to be the one wearing the trousers in their relationship. And from the sounds coming from Benji's room last night I would said they were a fully mated pair and I couldn't of been happier, well I could but I'm not going there, not now.

Today is the day, I am going to carry Marc and Mike's mates, and I am going to give Andrea the chance at motherhood as well as after the babies are born she will be able to have children by herself without the need of a surrogate.

When I woke up this morning it was still dark, I decided to secretly check in back home, I have to be careful I don't intrude on them mating...

I blocked out my connections here and slid first into Maisey's mind, she was asleep beside CJ, he had his arms wrapped around her protectively, her eyes were blotchy and swollen, she had been crying, crying because of me. I'm sorry Mai I never meant to hurt you... I told her and withdrew.

Next I slid into Lucias' mind, he was still awake, he was drawing at his desk. I couldn't talk to him, he would go and tell Alex and they would be able to find me.

I slid into Eric's mind and saw that he was asleep with his arm slung over some girl, I couldn't help the growl that came out. He will never change and Lucias will grow up without his father.

I couldn't stay in his mind another minuet else I would hurt him.

Then I slid into Marc's mind, he was asleep on his bed curled into a ball just like he did when he was a baby, I'm glad he is okay and that Lucias has him and Alex.

Lastly I slid into Alex's mind, he was restless, tossing and turning in his sleep and he was crying. It broke my heart to see him like this, he has always been so strong, I wanted to run my fingers through his hair and comfort him but I couldn't because he was there and I was here. I promise to come home to you when this is over, and when I do I swear to stay by your side. I love you forever and always baby... I told him.

And with that I closed all connections with them and reopened the ones I have here. I sat on my bed for a while, tears streaming down my face, I was hurting the people I loved. I wiped the tears from my eyes and pulled myself together, I woke Beth up and started to get ready.

Benji, are you coming with us or do you want to stay with Jake? I asked him. We're coming with you give us 5 minuets to get ready. He told me. I waited for Beth to get ready and then we went down stairs and I cooked the four of us breakfast. Meet us down stairs I'm cooking breakfast. I told him.

Just as I finished plating up breakfast Benji and Jake walked in holding hands. I smiled at them and gave them a knowing look, Jake blushed and Benji smiled and kissed Jake on the cheek. We all sat and ate breakfast waiting for Andrea and Costin to come down.

"If you want to go with Beth and Rose I would stop that, because I will happily take you back up stairs and make sure that you do not leave." I heard Jake whisper to Benji.

Andrea and Costin walked in and we all headed over to the pack hospital, on the way to the hospital Andrea and Costin talked with Benji and he asked if Jake could come home with us when we go home they agreed.

We arrived at the hospital and were brought straight into a room. Doctor Anderson came in and talked us through the procedure and when he was done he had me lay down on the bed, the hospital already had Andrea's eggs and Costin's sperm here and ready all they had to do was insert it.

When it was done I sat there for a while so that my body could become acoustome to it all.

"As of today you are not allowed to fight, carry anything heavy, or transform into your wolf." Doctor Anderson told me.

"Okay doc." I told him.

We left and went back to the pack house, as soon as we arrived Jake and Benji disappeared upstairs. We can all guess where they are going. We all laughed at them.

"When you said unfortunately Beth's mate is your mates brother, what did you mean?" Andrea asked.

"Well, I met him four years ago and when we first met everything was fine, but after a few months it all went down hill, I found out that he was sleeping around and I also found out that I was pregnant with my son Lucias. I told him that I was pregnant and he told me to get rid of him and then rejected me, I packed up all I could carry and left, I went and lived in no-man's land for three years until 3 and a bit months ago when Beth came and found me and Lucias in the house that I had found and had been living in, I started feeling pains in my chest and I learned that it was because he was sleeping with other people, and over the years I became used to the pain and I raised my son all on my own, when Rose came for me she brought me back and for a week I stayed in a house hidden from everyone and Rose told my mate that both my son and I were back but that unless he changed his ways he would never see us and then after 3 months he still hadn't changed but Rose's mate and his youngest brother came to see us and they have been teaching him how to be a male wolf, and a few days ago we were welcomed into the pack and that is where I met Benji and my mate went mental because I was dancing with him and Rose told him that Lucias and I were no longer his concern and that if he came near us he would have to fight either Rose or her mate." Beth told her.

"Where is your son now, if you don't mind me asking?" Andrea asked.

"Lucias is at home with his uncles." Beth said.

We sat and talked all day, Costin left to go and do his Alpha work and I helped Andrea cook dinner and then we ate and I went to bed.

The photo above is how I imagined Luca to look.

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