Chapter 2

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" Who does he think he is?" I say with much attitude into my locker.

" Sam....." Gigi says

" No one tells me that they can call me whatever they want to! Why am i still talking about this? " maybe i'm going just a little crazy.

" Sam?.......Are you oka-"

" And why'd he have to be next to my locker? Out of all the people in this school it had to be me. " I slam my locker shut and start banging my head aganist it.

" Sam?!?! Whats the matter with you?!" Gigi yells clapping her hands in my face.

" What the hell? " I say looking at Gigi annoyed.

" Did you not hear me calling you'? Or is it ' Lets Ignore Gigi Day '? Because you're not the first person who has ignored me today." she says with much sass and her hands on her hips.

I roll my eyes " Sorry I'm just.........I'm just out of it right now......." I shake my head.

She looks at me concerned "Why?"

I shrug my shoulders " I-I dont know? "

Gigi narrows her eyes " You know thats not an acceptable answer. " she says crossing her arms and tapping her foot.

" Okay, okay..." I gave in " Its this new kid.....he's-"

" Omg!!!! Matt?! " she says happily

I raise my eyebrow " Umm yeah I think so..... Tall, flippy dark brown hair, blueish - gray eyes, you know him? "

" Yeah i know him!!!! Actually we're going out on a date today!" she says with a twirl

" Its his first day and he's already going on a date?" I mumble to myself and roll my eyes.

" What was that?" she says stretching out her ears.

The final bell rings

' Yes! ' i say in my head

" Gi don't worry about it, I gotta go so I'll call you later and you can tell me all about the date. Okay? Bye! " I hug her and make my way out the building.

Someone please tell me that i wasn't over reacting because thinking it over I'm pretty sure I was. But you can't really blame me. If he said he can call me whatever he wants that means he can call me slut, right? Whatever let me just brush it off for now.

I see Jake, actually I see his back at the corner of the doors.

' Maybe this is a good time to thank him for leaving me with that jerk. You know in a flirtly playful way? ' i think to myself and smile.

" Jaaaaa .....Oh..........My............God......"

I can't believe my eyes! I am not seeing this right now ! No waaaay, this can't be happening ! I swear I'm hallucinating! I have to be....

Tears start t swell up in my eyes and I run. I run as fast as I can.

I hear someone chasing after me. - Jake? Oh God, please no. Eric? no, he has basketball practice.

" HEY! 410! Wait up!! " a deep voice says.....

' Matt......just my luck '

I stop and wipe the tears from my eyes then turn around. " Yes?......" I say, my voice a little shaky.

" Whats the rush? Wait don't tell me. You're trying to rush home so you can get ready for me tonight in the bed? "  he smirks and looks at me with suductive eyes.

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