An Inner Struggle

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Straw Hat Crew POV

The air around the crew was heavy and sad.

"I feel so bad for Natsuki." Chopper said from his spot next to Robin. 

"What I don't understand is why she doesn't break free from the marines. It's not like she's happy here." Usopp said. 

Robin looked over to him. "There must be more to it than that. Something must be holding her back."

But as the evening wore on, everyone slowly started going started going to bed. 

Natsuki POV

It's been a few days since the Straw Hats arrived on the island and I've slowly warmed up to them. 

They are a fun and interesting group of people that I've grown to love and care about. 

I was painting in the village today with Nami and Robin. Luffy, Usopp and Chopper went to go explore the island some more, while Zoro and Franky where on the ship and Sanji was waiting on us girls hand and foot.

My brush gently moved over the canvas as Nami and Robin chatted. I smiled softly as I listened to them. Nami let out a gasp causing me to glance at her from the corner of my eye. She was staring at my painting with shock and awe.

"Natsuki, you're painting is so beautiful!" I looked back to it and shrugged. It was a garden from a very distant memory. I always painted it when couldn't think of anything else to paint. 

In the distance we heard a male voice shout. "OI! SANJI! I'M HUNGRY!" We turned to see Luffy running into town. I couldn't help but laugh at him.  

Sanji simply yelled at him and told him that he just fed him an hour ago. But Luffy kept on complaining. 

Many of the villagers just smiled at the crew. They were all used to the Straw Hats and seemed to like them. 

Luffy was looking sad because he was hungry and looked to me for help. I just laughed and shook my head. "I don't have any food Luffy. Just paint." I lifted my brush and gestured to the paints next to me with a smile. 

Luffy looked to the paints and then to the canvas, curious as to what I had been doing. As he stared his eyes went wide. "Wow! That looks great! Nami do you see that?" I saw Nami place a hand on her head. I guess Luffy can be difficult to deal with at times.

From the distance I hear yelling by the harbor. Two villagers ran toward me. 

"Lady Natsuki! It's terrible! There is a ship trying to come to port but its on fire! People on board can't seem to get off the ship!" 

Without thinking I started to run toward the beach. My painting forgotten, the straw hats following quickly behind me. 

Once we reached the docks I saw the ship not to far off from the harbor. I can do this!

"Luffy, everyone. Stay here! The marines will more than likely be coming to assist in the rescue. Please go hide." And with that I faced the ship and jumped in the air, appearing to float toward the sinking ship.

I landed and saw that the life rafts had been destroyed. Damn! I looked to the panicked passengers. Taking in a breath I yelled.

"Everyone calm down! I'll get you to safety! Will all children please gather around me!" The passengers didn't comply at first. "I can get you to land! You have to trust me!" The ship started to creak, I looked around to the passengers. "Please!" My hand went out to them. 

Mothers and fathers pushed their children toward me and I gathered them into my arms, some on my back other tied to me with rope. There where fifteen on me in total and the weight wasn't terrible but it was very awkward. 

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