A Lonely Cell

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Natsuki sat in her cold, dark cell with her paint brush held in her hand. She stared at the scene in front of her with a ghost of a smile. 

It was a her view from her cell that stood high in the sky. The sea was the biggest thing she could see from her vantage point but if you looked closely you could see the harbor and some of the colorful roofs of the village.

Natsuki stared out to the vast sea longingly, she wanted to leave this island so badly. But as she gazed down to the small village she heaved a heavy sighed. How could she be so inconsiderate, if she was gone then nobody would protect them.

Something caught her attention as she sat on her stool. A pirate ship was coming to port. Looking away she continued to work on her painting. She was almost finished with it.

The heavy sea-stone chains moved up and down with every stroke. With a satisfied smile she placed down her brush and looked at her painting.

The door to her cell opened with a loud creaking sound. From the corner of her eye she saw a scrawny man flanked by two buff soldiers. Natsuki promptly ignored them, turning her head to the village.

"Let's go demon! We have pirates for you to catch." A shrilly voice announced. Natsuki glared at the man who was holding her leash for the marines. He led this marine base, Captain Hebi Manna. A pathetic looking man, how he earned the title captain was beyond her.

Silently, she stood. The heavy chains dragging behind her. The buff soldiers flanked her and as they walked out the gates of the base a regiment of marines followed in step behind her.


"If you pirates turn yourselves in now I can personally promise no harm will come to you!" Hebi yelled over the pirates. Natsuki simply glared at the captain. They where destroying the village and he was just talking to them?

The pirates laughed before readying themselves to attack the marines. The captain let out a tired sigh before motioning to the men flanking me. "Demon, capture these worthless pirates and destroy the ship for good measure." The marines flanking her moved with great speed. The cuffs came off and before the captain could finish speaking Natsuki was already moving.

With great speed she attacked, the pirates that where close to her didn't even see it coming. She knocked out 20 pirates of the Bloody Raider pirates, 80 more to go. Jumping into the air many pirates froze and fell in love with her instantly. She looked at each face before seeing her target, Cowboy Raid.

He stood behind his men looking at her in complete awe. She tucked her legs into herself and jumped off toward him. She punched the ground between the captain's feet, missing him. Her aim was off. As her fist made contact with the ground, it erupted, as if a cannon ball had landed there.

Gaining the full attention of the pirates they soon began to fear this strangely beautiful woman. The captain had fainted from the shock of Natsuki's attack. She grabbed the man by his shirt and dragged him to Hebi, who had him tide-up.

Natsuki turned and glared at the pirates. "Surrender." She demanded. Some pirates just feel to their knees but many others ran for their ship.

Natsuki ran after them. Flipping threw the air, landing in the middle of the ship. The Raider pirates all attacked her but they would find that they never stood a chance. They where thrown off of their ship, some literally kicked off.

Once all pirates and signs of life had been removed from the ship Natsuki sighed and walked to the center of the ship. Holding out two fingers long, green whips came forth and wrapped around the ship. With a flick of her wrist the ship was torn in half.

Sea water erupted and started dragging the ship down into its cold embrace. Natsuki jumped onto the shore, water glistening around her. Many pirates sat their unable to move from the shock. Natsuki set her glare to them. "March." She pointed her finger to the marines. Terrified they joined their comrades.

Hebi was grinning from ear to ear. "Good job demon. Now where is the money and gold that was on the ship."

Her eyebrow raised. "I'd imagine sinking to the bottom of the sea." She watched as Hebi's face turned bright red. Natsuki squared her shoulders and sent him a chilling glare. "Before you give me the order to go retrieve the treasure on the ship I'd like to remind you that I don't follow orders of greed." Natsuki's eyes flashed red causing Hebi to take a step back.

Hebi turned to the marines and began shouting orders. "All you men take these useless bastards to the brig!" The captain turned to Natsuki. "You stay here monster. We don't need you stinking up the base any more." And with that the marines left the small village with the captured pirates.

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