Rylan's Missing

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*The Next Morning*

I wake up to the sun shining in my face and Rylan nowhere in sight. I started getting ready and made myself some breakfast. Rylan should've woken me up to make him something before he left. As I walked to the kitchen, I see Rylan's bag still sitting on the couch.

"Rylan?" I called out.

There was a moment of silence and I called out again. No answer. This worried me so I called his phone. Straight to voicemail. I quickly put my uniform on and ran to the precinct. Traci noticed that I looked worried and asked what happened.

"Rylan isn't answering his phone and his bag is still on the couch. Trace, I'm worried."

Traci is the only one that I told about Rylan.

"Ask Boyko if we can search for him."

I nod and ran to Boyko's office. When he let me in, I asked him if we could search for my little brother.

"How long has he been missing?"

"I'm not sure but can we please send a search out? He's the only family I have and I can't lose him. Please sergeant."

"Get everyone in the parade room."

"Thank you sir."

I walked out of his office and announced that everyone be in the parade room in 5. When they were in, Boyko let me explain what was happening.

"My little brother is missing and I need your help to find him. He's the only family that I have left and I don't know what will happen if I lose him. Please try to find him." I said, on the verge of tears.

I handed everyone a picture of him and they left to search. I was riding with Oliver.

"Are you sure that he isn't out with friends?"

"Yes, he would've left a note or something. He would also answer when I call. I'm afraid that someone has taken him and Rylan might not be able to make it."

"McNally, we'll find him. Don't worry."

I sat quietly while we searched around my house. Dov, Chris, Traci, and Gail were already asking people if they had seen Rylan. Oliver and I checked my house again to see if there was any fight that Rylan might have put. I was checking my room when Oliver called me. I ran out to see him holding a note.

I told you that if you lie, Rylan was going to get hurt. You didn't listen. You will never see poor Rylan ever again. He will be dead by the time you find him. -Vince

Tears came down and I fell to the floor. I hear people come in and Traci by my side. She pulled me into a hug and I cried into her chest.

"It's going to be okay." She said.

"Trace, he's going to be dead if I don't find him on time."

"Do you know where he lives?"

"No, I don't. He always comes into my house."

"Let's go back to the station. We have to find out what you know about Vince so that we can save your brother." Oliver says, as he helps me up.


I sat in the parade room, waiting for them to find out about Vince Torres. Everyone had filed in and Jerry started to explain.

"The guy we are looking for is Vince Torres. He has a record of kidnapping and murder. He has one current address. Officer Epstein and Diaz, you two will go there to see if anyone is home."

"Detective?" I softly said.

"Yes McNally?"

"He has one condo out west."

"I thought you didn't know where he lived or whatever." Traci said, looking at me.

"When he's over at my house, he is usually on the phone and I hear him say something about a condo out west. I'm not sure where it is exactly but if we tried to find any condos that are registered to him then we can check if he could be in there."

"Officer Peck, you will be with Shaw and you two will find the condo registered to him. Officer McNally, you are with Williams will go to the condo once they find one that is in his name. Nash, you're with me."

Everyone left for their assignments and I held Nash back.

"Can you explain more about Rylan to me?"

"Well Rylan is Andy's brother. He is 8 years younger than her. His birthday is August 4th. He likes to draw, sing, dance, and skate. He's the only family that Andy has because they haven't seen their older brother in 11 years. She says that they were taken and forced to change their surnames. I'm not sure what their last name was before McNally. Rylan was admitted to the hospital a few years back because someone had beaten him up and Rylan couldn't fight back. He isn't the fighter type because he doesn't like violence so he tries to stay away from that. That's about it."

"Thank you." I say, leaving the room.

"Epstein and Diaz broke into the house because the guy didn't answer and there was no one in the house."

"Send the address of the condo to them because we are headed over to the condo to find Rylan. Officer McNally and Williams will need back up just in case the man is armed."

They nod and I head to my car with Traci. Oliver sent me the address and we were headed there now.


Rylan POV

I woke up in a dark room. My mouth had fabric in it and I was tied up. I hear the door open and see Vince leaning against the doorframe, smiling like a crazy person.

"I am gonna have so much fun with you. I will make sure you die slowly so you feel pain as you die."

I tried to get out and he laughed evilly.

"You can try but you aren't going to be able to get out of it."

He pulled out a pocket knife and put it against my skin. Blood began to flow out. I screamed in pain. He laughed harder. He pulled up my shirt and started to cut along my stomach. I could feel myself get lightheaded and soon I passed out.

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