02) Telling Him

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Luke (17):

Y/B/F/N left a little while ago and now you were waiting for Luke to come home, hopefully without his bandmates. About half an hour later you heard Luke walk in the door. "Y/N, I'm home and I brought dinner!" he yelled from the kitchen. You nervously walked down the hallway and into the kitchen where Luke was taking what looked to be Chinese food out of the bag. "Hey Y/N." Luke said smiling. "Hi." you said back looking towards the ground. "Whats wrong Y/N?" Luke asked sounding concerned as he put the food down on the counter. "N-nothing you said nervously looking anywhere but his eyes. "Y/N, I can read you like a book. Something's wrong and I know it. Please tell me." he pleaded bending down to your level. "W-well you know how me and Y/BF/N have been together for a while?" you asked deciding to just tell him. "Mhmm." he said concentrating on what you were saying. "W-well um about a month ago, we um k-kind of h-had sex. I didn't want to but I thought he would leave me if I didn't so I did." you said starting off the story. "Y/N why didn't you tell me earlier that he pressured you into that?! he said sounding shocked that you'd keep something like that from him. "W-well um there's kind of more to the story. I've been feeling kind of sick lately and I missed my period s-so um today, Y/B/F/N came over with a couple tests and I'm pregnant." you finished with silent tears streaming down your face. What happened next was something you didn't expect. Luke pulled you into a big hug as you cried. "I'm definitely not happy about this but I know there's no point in getting angry at you. I'm gonna kill him though for making you feel like you had to do it with him though." he said as he rocked you from side to side.

Michael (18):

Telling him was covered in the first part for Michael's.

Ashton (16):

You stayed in your room when Ashton got home and a while later, you heard his footsteps coming towards your bedroom door. He knocked a couple times. "Y/N? Can I come in?" he asked. "Mhmm." you hummed nervously. "Hey, you ok?" he asked coming to sit next to you on your bed. You decided not to wait around and only get more anxious, and just tell him. You put your head in his chest and cried. Ashton was surprised but put his arms around you while you cried until he finally asked you what was wrong. "A-Ash, I'm pregnant." you said bluntly. "What the fuck?!" he asked looking at you with a confused look on his face. "I know you probably hate me but I'm really sorry I didn't mean for this to happen." you sobbed. "No no no I don't hate you! I was just shocked. Is it Y/BF/N's?" he asked. You nodded and then added "But I didn't want to do anything with him. He told me that he'd hurt me if I didn't." you told him. "That asshole!!" Ashton yelled. He realised that you needed him right now and that yelling wouldn't help. He promised to do anything to help you and that he would always be there.

Calum (17):

You sat in your room debating whether to tell Calum or not. You knew he would be disappointed in you and so would your parents but you had to tell someone and you trusted Calum. You slowly made your way down stairs where Calum was sitting on the couch watching the end of the soccer game. "C-Calum?" you asked. "Yeah?" he asked awaiting your reply. You went over to the couch and sat next to him. "What's up?" he asked putting his arm around your shoulders. " I um, have to t-tell you something." you said nervously. "Yeah, go on." he said muting the TV as he sensed your seriousness. "I um kid of h-hooked up with this guy at a party a few weeks ago and well n-now I'm um p-pregnant." You said closing your eyes in hopes of it stopping the flow of tears coming. It didn't. "You're what?!" he yelled. "I'm sorry Calum." you said before you broke out into sobs. "No no don't cry Y/N, It's ok. Shh." he comforted you. "I thought you'd be really mad and like throw me out or something." you said as you slowed down your cries. "No I don't hate you. I'm not happy about this but I know that you know what you've done wrong so I'm here for you." he replied. "Thank you." you whispered as you hugged him tighter.

I hope you guys are liking this story so far! If anyone hasn't read it before, please check out my other book? It would mean a lot to me and I appreciate you guys so much! Cathryn xx

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