chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Elena couldn't sleep at all that night. Or any other night the rest of the week after her talk with Damon. She kept thinking about the mysterious man with an equally mysterious way of life. He seemed full of life and wanted to really live his own life to the fullest. And to top it all off, she somehow knew he wanted to help her. She had been thinking all evening about what he had said

I sense deep sadness and loneliness in you

Every bone in her body was screaming at her to be careful. This was not your everyday decision-a complete stranger asks you to move in with him so he could FIX her. Her normal reaction was no way in hell but another part of her she thought long gone was screaming even louder 'Take a Chance!"

Denying it at first, she had been a little upset. But now she was realizing that he was telling the truth. Elena did feel that she had a meaningless life and she was extremely lonely. She had no one….and he was the closest thing she had to really finding herself again. She was going to step out of her comfort zone and take a risk with Damon. Whether he could help her or not

One Week Later

Walking into the bank, Elena went immediately to Elijah's office.

"Elena, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Elijah asked when she entered his office. He was sitting at his desk trying to organize a paper file.

"Sir, I was wondering if my vacation time was still good?"

"Yes it is, you have about 5 weeks of it. Are you finally going to take a vacation? I've been asking you to take one for months now!" Elijah said excitedly.

"Well, can I take all five weeks starting tomorrow? It's just I have somewhere I need to go," Yeah, before I completely lose my nerve she thought.

"Of course, of course. Where are you going to go for five weeks?" he asked curiously.

"I'll be staying at a friend's house." It wasn't a total lie but not the entire truth. It was a need-to-know basis.

"Alright, well you have a wonderful month Elena. Oh, are you spending Thanksgiving with your friend or your family?"

Elena had completely forgotten that it was almost November. She hadn't celebrated Thanksgiving in years.

"Uh, well, maybe if he still wants me around him by then," she teased lightly before exiting the bank and getting out her cell phone once she was out of earshot. She stepped aside from the door and dialed Damon's number.

The phone rang a few times before he answered.

"Hello? Elena?" he answered in a hopeful voice.

"How did you know it was me?" she asked him slightly shocked.

"I don't get calls very often so I knew it had to be you," he explained. "Have you thought more about what I said?" he asked in a soft voice.

"Yes and I was wondering, are you going to be free in the month of November?"

"Yes! Is that the month you want?" he asked. Even through the phone, she could sense that he was smiling. She would agree to the month but absolutely, positively no sex would be involved. She was sticking to that rule.

"Yes, so book me," she smiled through the phone.

"Ok, so just pack whatever clothes and essentials you want. I'll be handling all the cooking and cleaning so you don't have to worry about that. I live at 235 N. Hickory Street. Be there around 6pm tonight, I'm cooking dinner," he said with excitement.

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