Chapter 16 "The Tour"

Start from the beginning


You: Pluto?

Ciel: Oh no. *facepalm* Finnian control that damn demon hound!

Before Finny could do anything Pluto tackled you and growled at your face. He was in his hound form so you can see why Ciel and Finny started to panick. But you thought Pluto was adorable.

You: Aw so cute. *you scratch under his chin* Who's a good boy huh who's a good boy!

Pluto wags his tail and gets off you. You wanted to just hug and keep scratching him. Pluto licked you face and laid on his back. You then scratched his belly and he started shaking his leg as he let his tongue hang out.

Ciel: You are good with animals.

Finny: Wow that's amazing! Normally only Sebastian could tame him!

You: I love animals. *still scratching his belly* Aw so cute.

Ciel: Let's continue the tour.

You: Okay. *you stop petting Pluto and he licks your face* Sorry boy I gotta go. *you walk back towards Ciel*

Pluto whines and watches as you leave. Ciel them grabs your hand and leads you to his room.

You: So where are we going?

Ciel: My quarters.

You: Your quarters, what about your dollars? Hahahaha sorry I had to.

Ciel: *confused* What?

You: Never mind.

Ciel: Here we are. *opens the door to his room*

You: Damn son! This room is huge!

Ciel: It's my bedroom.

You: Well its big.

Ciel: (y/n) I have grown quite fond of you.

You: Okay?

Ciel: Can I ask you something? *blushing slightly*

You: You can ask but I ain't doing anything.

Ciel: I like you and I was wondering if you like me back. Not in a sexual way... more like in a family way. *blushing in embarrassment*

You: Relax dude. Of course I like you well kinda. I need to get to know you first. But you seem chill to hang out with.

The truth was, Ciel only liked you because you reminded him of his mother and father combined, despite the language you spoke. He felt like they were there with him once again but through you.

Ciel: *hugs you* So are staying at my manor?

You: *hugs back* This place is awesome! I would be stupid not wanting to stay here.

Before Ciel could say anything Sebastian walks in. Ciel pulls away from the hug fast not wanting to show Sebastian any weakness. You stood there confused at his reaction and Sebastian grew jealous of his master.

Sebastian's thoughts: 'Why do I feel this way? Am I jealous of my young master? They were indeed hugging, but why did he pull away so quickly. Could it be that he is now (y/n)'s suitor? NO I won't allow it!!'

Sebastian: There you are young master, I was looking all over for you.

Ciel: What for?

Sebastian: We have been invited to a ball later this evening requested by the queen. *hands him a letter*

Ciel: Very well, schedule a carriage and find (y/n) a dress. She will be coming with us.

You: Wait, can't I look like a guy? Please, please, please. Anything but a dress.

Ciel: Just this once, the queen and all the nobles will be there.

You: I don't give a fuck about nobles and some queen. I hate dresses!

Sebastian: We only have women's clothes in your size.

You: Great. *sarcasm*

Ciel: Just for this evening.

You: Fine. *annoyed* But I get to choose the dress!

Sebastian: I shall show you the ones we have.

Ciel: It's barely noon, we have plenty of time. I'll be in my study room to finish the paperwork before the ball. *leaves the room*

Sebastian: (y/n) may I ask you something?

You: What is it?

Sebastian: Are you and my young master--

You cut him off.

You: Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. WOAH! Slow down. No, no no.

Sebastian: I saw him hug you and I assumed--

You cut him off again.

You: Stop. Okay one, never assume because you make and ass out of you and me. Two Ciel only likes me as family, that's it. There is nothing between us. And three why is this important to you?

Sebastian thought hard for an excuse. He didn't want you to know he was jealous. After a few seconds he gave a response.

Sebastian: Because my young master has a fiancé.

You: oooooooohhhhhhh..... Okay. Makes sense.

Sebastian: *sighs in relief* Shall I take you to your room.

You: I can go on my own. Wait can I play with your cats. Please!

Sebastian: *chuckles* Yes you may, I'll take you to my quarters.

You: Yes!

He leads you to his room and you enter. He closes the door behind him and opens his closet. The kittens jump out and you sit on the floor to let them come to you. You start to meow to call them. They hear your call and they climb on your lap. However you forgot how Sebastian reacts to your meowing and he sits on the floor behind you, pulling you on top of his lap. You blush when he does this.

Sebastian: Such beautiful creatures. *nuzzles against your cheek*

You: Um... Sebastian... Snap out of it!

Sebastian: *kisses your cheek* Remarkable features.

You went stiff. You were blushing crazy, he just kissed your cheek. Your heart was beating fast and you can feel yourself going dumb mode.

You: I... um... Sebastian!

Sebastian: *kisses your cheek again* Such a fiesty kitty~.

You blush even redder. You just wanted to faint. You wanted to fangirl so badly. Sebastian kissed your cheek twice.

You: S-Sebastian... um... s-snap out of it. *blushing*

Sebastian: *snaps out of it* My sincerest apologies (y/n).

You: I-it's fine... *you get up* I'll go to my room now! *you run out the door trying your best to control yourself*

Sebastian: How does she do that? *shakes head* It's like a trance. *sighs and plays with the kittens*

You go to your room and you lay down on the bed. You try to make sense of what happened.

You: He kissed me on the cheek. Twice! Damn it I'm falling for an anime character. *fangirls* I can't help it!

After a few fangirl screams in your pillow, you take a nap.
Authors note: I know I know not my best work but I was pretty pissed off today so here you go a crappy chapter, gomenasai I have failed you all. ;-;

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