A New Lord

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*meanwhile in IronRath*
Talia: and last we'd heard, Asher was in Slavers Bay. So Malcolm caught a ship headed for....
Frey: I heard they took him off a corpse-cart. and he's missing his arms and legs!
Another Frey: at least he can still eat and crap!
Talia: the Whitehill soldiers are drunk again. and we have too few men to handle them.
Rodrick: let's just get to the Great Hall.
Frey: is that him?
Another Frey: has to be, doesn't it?
Frey: he's hideous.
Another Frey: and he's leaning on a girl.
*frey sits in front of them*
Talia: we have business in the Great Hall.
Frey: go 'round.
Rodrick: move aside, soldier.
Frey: I'm quite comfortable, thank you. and I don't think you're going to make me. I wonder what's weaker. your legs...or this house.
Rodrick: I am The Lord of this house. and you will move.
Frey: go on, then. My lord.
*freys leave and go back to work*
Rodrick: let's go.
*they walk in*
Ser Royland: it's ridiculous! You're treating them like guests!
Duncan: the wine keeps their wits dull!
Ser Royland: it makes us look weak!
Lady Forrester: both of you, please...
Duncan: so you'd rather they riot?
Ser Royland: Duncan, you're a fool sometimes.
Duncan: it doesn't matter what you think. I was chosen as sentinel!
Maester: My lords....
Lady Forrester: Rodrick.... My boy...come join us.
Ser Royland: lady Talia, you should have told is The Lord needed help.
*rodrick sits down*
Duncan: it's good......its good to see you awake, lord Rodrick.
Ser Royland: we didn't expect you so soon. The Maester said it would be weeks before you were walking...if you walked again at all.
Maester: it was highly probable.
Rodrick: Maester Ortengryn doesn't know everything.
Duncan: who among is does?
Ser Royland: who indeed.
Rodrick: talia has told me the state of our house.
Duncan: then you know our situation is grim, my lord.
Ser Royland: no thanks to your sentinel. he's been getting the Whitehill soldiers drunk.
Duncan: it keeps them off their guard!
See Royland: they think you're a bloody fool!
Maester: my lords, please.
Duncan: oh, oh I'm a fool? At least I was there by Ethan's side when Ramsay Snow--
Lady Forrester: Duncan!
Ser Royland: I've told you, I was keeping an eye on the Bolton soldiers!
Duncan: you should have been protecting your lord! Now Ethan's dead, and Ryon a hostage!
Ser Royland: and what have you done! Nothing!
Duncan: because we have no army!
Rodrick: silence! I am your lord. you're here to give counsel, not quarrel at my table.
Ser Royland: of course.
Duncan: apologies, My lord.
Rodrick: the Whitehills have my brother. we fight among ourselves, when we should be fighting them.
Ser Royland: we need an army to win that fight. and we don't have one.
Rodrick: then find me one, Ser Royland!
Ser Royland: that's no simple command, my lord. most of our men fled after Ethan was killed. and our allies are either dead, or too afraid of the Boltons to help us!
Lady Forrester: you forgot the Glenmores. you'd be we'd to Elaena Glenmore already if not for the war. and her father is no coward. Now that you have returned, the marriage can proceed as planned.
Rodrick: the marriage.....
Duncan: Well..... much has changed. The Glenmores may no longer desire the union--
Lady Forrester: lady Elaena will decide for herself. your betrothed is on her way here as we speak.
Maester: lady Elaena?
Ser Royland: she's coming now?
Rodrick: my betrothed is coming to IronRath?
Lady Forrester: Yes, my son. A Raven arrived this morning. Lady Elaena is eager to see you. if she still wishes to marry, we'd have allies we so desperately need.
Duncan: their army would become oathbound to Rodrick...
Ser Royland: and we could burn Highpoint to the ground!
Lady Forrester: Yes. This marriage could be our chance.
Talia: of course, we must have Lady Elaena still wants to marry Rodrick. we're talking about a marriage, not an ironwood contract.
Rodrick: Talia does have a point. I'm not the man I used to be.
Lady Forrester: you can still make her happy, Rodrick. And she can do the same for you.
Rodrick: if Elaena does come to IronRath, she'll see those soldiers in the courtyard.
Ser Royland: we starve them out, and they'll have to leave.
Duncan: I'd rather they be lying around drunk than setting the stables on fire.
Maester: my lord, perhaps you can put an end to this tiresome dispute?
Rodrick: let them go hungry.
Duncan: yes, my lord.
Rodrick: now.... now if there's nothing more to discuss....
Lady Forrester: Maester..... it's time to light the IronRath torches.
Maester: yes, my lady.
Duncan: welcome back, my lord.
Rodrick: it's good to be back.
Lady Forrester: Gregor last lit these torches when his mother passed. "ironwood doesn't burn easily," he told me. "But Forrester's have a way." And now we light them for him.... and Ethan. how is your song coming?
Talia: Ethan always helped me with music.....its not the same without him.
Rodrick: I can help you with it.
Talia: that's alright. The last time you sang all the dogs in the kennel started howling. but thank you.
Lady Forrester: Everyone knows how much Ethan meant to you. I'm sure it will honor him well. about Elaena....ive sent a letter to Mira. The Tyrells hold much influence over the Glenmores. I don't know where things stand between her and lady Margaery, but...maybe your sister can find a way to help.
*meanwhile in kings landing*
Lady Margaery: it's entirely ridiculous. If it's not flowers, it's food or the table settings....is that the letter to the orphanage?
Mira: yes, m'lady. It's nearly done.
Lady Margaery: make sure to tell them we'll send them all the leftovers. and....something nice after that.
Mira: you and the children are in our thoughts.
Lady Margaery: a lovely sentiment, Mira.
Lady Margaery: I had to barrow that from father.....Mine was stolen. Can you imagine? I wonder who it was? Are there any more invitations to send? Or are we finally done with the cursed things?
Mira: one more.....an invitation to Ser Maynard.
Lady Margaery: ah, yes, one of my fathers favorite drinking companions.
*coal boy knocks on door and Mira answers*
Coal boy: I have a letter for lady Mira Forrester.
Mira: thank you.
Coal boy: my pleasure, lady Mira.
*Mira closes door*
Lady Margaery: what is it, Mira?
Mira: it's from my mother. she asks that I help ensure Rodricks betrothal to Elaena Glenmore remain intact.
Lady Margaery: how can you do that from a thousand leagues away? Ah. It's my help she's after, isn't it? She's a bold woman. Most would shy away from asking such things.
Mira: forgive my mother. She doesn't see the harm in what she does.
Lady Margaery: she's not entirely wrong.... A letter from me could encourage the Glenmores to honor the betrothal. but it wouldn't be very discreet. you'd be forcing their hand. that isn't the way I do things. you've pushed me before, and you saw the results. I'm sure your brother can secure the marriage on his own. I'd better get going. Mira....we'll talk more later.
*lady Margaery walks out and Mira sits down at the letters*
Mira: if lady Margaery....wrote a letter....Ser Maynard, you are hereby invited....
*seri walks in*
Seri: Mira.....lady Margaery sent me to pick up the letters. Ser Maynard.ugh. the mans breath smells like a Brewhouse. I was hoping I'd catch you at something slightly more exciting. a love letter, perhaps.or a declaration of war. I know you're very busy. with lady Margaery and....and all that's happening with your family... but I was hoping we could talk. if you don't mind.
Mira: what about?
Seri: well..its....we really should get these letter out first. do you need any help with them?
Mira: I've got them.
*Mira walks out*

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