Chapter 6- We Need To Get Out of Here

Start from the beginning

"We need to get out of here." I told them. They all nodded. Jin got on his horse, Jess behind him.

I hated leaving the village to ruins, but we have no choice, with all the villages falling before my eyes, I'm more worried about Alesa than ever. Plus, Ross is hurt and if we don't fix his wound quick...

I shook the thought from my head and took off out of the town. I looked at Ross who was leaning against the horse's neck, his eyes beginning to close. I grabbed my water canteen and poured some water on his head. His eyes snapped open and he sat up wiping water out of his eyes.

"Dude! The heck!" He groaned.

"Don't close your eyes." I hissed.

"Adam! Where are we heading?" I heard Jin call behind me somewhere.

"My village! I need to find Alesa!" I yelled. "I also have medic supplies there! If I can get to it we can help Ross!"

"Got it!" He yelled. Our horses ran as fast as they could. Ross leaned forward again. I pulled on his ear, hard. He yelped and sat up again.

"Stay awake!" I yelled at him. He nodded slowly, he looked really pale and sick. I handed him my water canteen.

"Drink as much as you want. Stay hydrated, and keep your eyes open." I told him sternly and kept my eyes on the road ahead. He nodded and took the canteen with a small "thanks."

A few miles later Ross was still sitting up so I took that as the idea that he's awake. Just a couple more miles and we'll reach my house.

Spoke too soon, Ross fell to the side right off my horse. Jess screamed when Jin's horse almost ran over him. I pulled the reins and jumped off my horse.

"Ross!" I yelled. He laid on the ground in a daze. I cursed.

"Come on Ross, get up." Jess encouraged. I got one of his arms over my shoulders, and lifted him onto the horse again. I dug around in my bag and found a rag. It was filthy though he'd get infected if I use this. I looked around for any source of water and found a small pond a couple feet away. I checked the water and made sure it was okay, then cleaned the rag off quickly.

When I finished I ran over to Ross and tied his leg up, Jess gave him a bit of water.

"Listen to me Ross you need to stay awake, it's vital you stay awake, keep your eyes open." I told him as I got back on my horse. I didn't get an answer and Ross began to fall to the side again.

"Ross!" I yelled. He flinched and his eyes opened part way.

"Stay it." He whispered and began to close his eyes again.

"ROSS!" I yelled louder he jumped up right.

"Stay awake, okay." He said. I swallowed the lump in my throat and we were off again.

"Just a few more miles stay with me buddy." I said softly.

I saw the wall of my village.

"There it is!" I announced. But the gate fell down, and a swarm of walkers filed out of the village, even of people I knew personally. My heart leaped up into my throat making it impossible to breathe.

"No, no, no, no." I whispered and turned my horse to the side. I scanned the walkers looking for any one that looked like Alesa. I grew a bit calmer (not by much) as I couldn't see her. Ross began to fall to the side again.

"Ross!" I yelled. He opened his eyes and sat up.

"I'm okay." He whispered.

"Right." I spoke under my breath. I looked around for a new entrance and saw a gap in the wall.

"Jin!" I yelled and got off my horse.

"What's up?" He answered and trotted up.

"Stay with Ross, keep him awake. Jess come with me, I need back up." I told them.

"You sure I shouldn't go instead?" Jin asked. I nodded.

"Yes I'm sure. Please, just keep him awake, I'm gonna find Alesa and get her out of there." I said. Jess got off the horse and grabbed her weapons then came up to me. We nodded at Jin and Ross and started running.

"Stay close." I whispered to Jess. She nodded and turned the safety of her gun on. We squeezed through the gap of the wall and got behind a house quickly.

"Okay, my house is a little further down the street, we go in, get Alesa and leave." I explained to Jess.

"Adam, I don't want to be a downer, but please keep in mind that Alesa could be-"

"No she's not." I snapped. "She's not one of those things, I'd know if she were. If she isn't here she escaped." Jess looked taken back from my outburst. I sighed.

"Sorry, I'm just..." I groaned and took off my glasses and rubbed my face. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked over, Jess smiled.

"Let's find Alesa." I smiled at her and put my glasses back on.

"Come on." I told her and started sneaking past every house. I climbed over backyard fences and helped Jess over. We silently killed a couple of walkers and eventually reached my house. We locked the back door and the front door, then put something in front of them. Once that was done I let loose.

"ALESA!" I yelled and ran around.

"Adam, shh!" Jess scolded.

"ALESA PLEASE ANSWER!" I yelled. No answer.

"Adam!" Jess hissed.

"ALESA! I'M BACK! JUST LIKE I PROMISED! PLEASE WE HAVE TO HURRY AND GET OUT OF HERE!" I continued screaming and ran upstairs. Jess chased after me. I slammed open my bedroom door and looked around. The place was wrecked.

"Alesa?" I called out and started searching. I lifted a fallen over dresser.

"Alesa!" I called out again. Jess came inside and shut the door. I opened the closet and looked inside.

"Alesa!" I kept calling. Jess was peeking out the window. I ran over to the bathroom and opened the door and screamed. Jess ran over.

"What?" She asked then looked inside.

"Oh my God, Adam..."






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