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*sigh* I guess I should update this book
I love you guys I swear

-3 1/2 years later-


I look down seeing the picture turned out pretty well. "Nice." I mutter smiling at my work. They look at the picture of them shaking hands and thank me for my work.
"Great as always!" Sam tells me slinging an arm over my shoulder making me roll my eyes.

When I moved down here I was surprised with what I saw in New York, but now it was my home. At first I lived with Sam, but slowly I built a more steady platform for myself and for my own place.

Mom didn't move with us, but we plan visits every month since it isn't very far. "Thanks sis." He shakes his arm making my body do the same but stops and I punch him.
"That hurt." I mutter moving his arm from around my shoulder making him laugh.

"Hey, Alese!" I hear someone yell making me turn around to find Olivia walking in the door. Liv and I have been friends since I've moved to New York. She was Sam's assistant and we instantly clicked when she met. The thing is, I haven't told her about my old fiancé. I haven't told anyone actually. I'm not sure if I'm over it yet. "You up for some lunch?" I nod and ask Sam if he wand to join but he declines and we walk out the door.

"So there's a party tomorrow, and apparently there's going to be a lot of boys there." She arches her eyebrows taking a sip of her drink.
"I'm okay." I sigh wishing she's stop doing this to me. "Have fun though."
"Come on," she pleads taking my hands from across the table. "You haven't had any action ever since you moved here."

"What if I don't want any 'action'?" I say dramatically using air quotes making her roll her eyes.
"Come on. One night, that's all I ask for."

"You know I'm not a clubbing type of girl." I tell her taking a sip of my iced tea. She huffs finally giving up on me making me smile.
"But when I call answer because that probably means I'm drunk and need a ride home." She grumbles folding her arms across her chest and I nod.

-Saturday night-

"Hello?" I groan into the phone. Who the fudge calls me at four am?
"Heyy gurrrrrrl." Luv slurs into the phone. Oh shit.
"You need a ride?" I ask making her giggle.
"I'm on my way." I put on a t-shirt and white shorts with some brown sandals grabbing my keys and heading out trying to fix my bird's nest made of hair.

Soon I arrive at the club she told me she was at and text her saying I was outside. After fifteen knifes she doesn't show up and I decide to chase after her.

God, I hope this isn't a bar where girls can go shirtless. The bouncer lets me in since I say I was just picking up my friend.

Man, clubs are nasty. The smell of sex and alcohol, and the image of people constantly grinding on each other made me want to leave, but I had to pick up Liv before a boy decides to bring her home.

First placed I checked was the bar, since that's always where she seems to be, and of course, I was right.

The thing is, I wish I wasn't.

(This part gets a bit mature it's not smut or anything like that but it is pretty dirty)

The sight of my best friend with her back on the bar top with her shirt halfway up made me cringe. People shouted as a man I didn't recognize licked up her bare stomach making her hips rotate and moan.


Oh God.

"Come on Liv." I storm up grabbing her hand and pushing the mystery man off of her.
"Hehe bye Matt." She giggles as I drag her away. I look back for a second seeing the boy named Matt wave goodbye. (it's that Matt btw)

"What we're you thinking?!?" I practically yell once we reach outside. She just giggle in response with an occasional hiccup making me roll my eyes and lead her to the car.

"T- hat was fu- in." She says in between hiccups making me laugh.
"Come on. Let's get you home drunkie."

I've been trying to get this out for like three days I'm so sorry

Hopeless [MrWoofless] discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now