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Two Weeks Later

"Hey lab partner!" Riker approached me as I cruised the aisles of books in the library. I smiled as a greeting. "I didn't know you were a reader? No offence, but you look more like a sporty girl to me"

"I suppose so, but I like reading in my down time" I turned back to the Romance section. "Do you suggest anything?"

"Ooh" he grabbed my wrist, dragging me to the Mystery section. "This book called 'Gone Girl', crazy mystery, and there is a film now"

"Is there?"

"Yup. When you finish the book we could watch it together" he suggested. "When would you like to begin our science review of the chemistry section?"

"Um, I have a few pages of it written so I can email them to you and save you the hassle"

"Sure" he nodded. "Do you want to go kill time? The museum has a new 60's gallery part and I don't really want to go there by myself"

I hesitated. Do I really want to get tangled up with another Lynch? But I'll make sure to keep this one platonic, if I can. He's adorable too.
"You know what, Riker? That sounds like a good idea, let me grab my coat"

I slipped on my boyfriend coat and scarf whilst he did the same. We then walked out of the campus downtown where a large museum was. The 60's area was hard to miss; it had raging 60's music playing loud and clear.

"Without the racial issues, this would have been the perfect era to live at" I peered around.

"Any era without racial issues would be perfect to live, but I catch your drift. I think mine would have to be 50's because of Elvis" Riker said. "But early 60's sounds good too"

"And their clothes look adorable" I touched an ankle-length pink skirt with a white petticoat under and smiled. "I think the campus should have a dress-up day, I would so go 60's themed"

"I would go as a curly fry. I don't know why, but I would" He said and I laughed. "Would you be a matching curly fry?"

"If you asked nicely" I giggled and bumped him slightly with my waist. "Come on, I still want to visit the animal section"


The kind of stuff my job gets me into. I was very casually going through Sierra's nightstand when I find a black book- but at the same time she decides to walk in with her new hook-up and now I'm stuck under the bed whilst they have a heavy petting session.

I've been fitting in nicely. I have a small group of close friends, but I have other friends/acquaintances. I've been pretty close to Rocky in a romantic kind of way, and Riker is slowly becoming my best guy-friend. No improvement has been made with Ross. I do not speak to him and he doesn't speak to me, and maybe, it's better that way.

Maybe we weren't meant to be.

My ears picked up the door opening, and both of them left the room. After a few moments, I rolled out, opening the drawer again and taking the following notebook. I slid it between the band of my skirt and my body then quickly left Sierra's room.

"Athena!" She called, and I almost suffered cardiac arrest. "Hey girl! How are you?"

There is also that, Sierra is one of my close friends but not in my group because Casey doesn't like her. That, is however my job, to get close to her.

"Hi" I said quickly. "How are you?"

"I'm great. So, I'm throwing a party on Saturday, you should come!"

"Sure!" I rushed, feeling the notebooks slip.

"Awesome, I'll text you the details!"

I turned around and ran, both notebooks falling as I turned the corner. Swiftly, I picked them up and dashed off.

Close call.

kind of a filler sorry y'all

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