Chapter 7

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I'm standing over the mutilated body of the Mayan when my phone rings. It's Tinsley.

Normally while on a job I ignore any phone calls, but for her I'm already changing my rules.

"Hey babe." I say, turning away from corpse as if she can see it through the phone.

Instantly she's apologizing. "Im sorry if I interrupted anything. I know you're busy but Bobby's being released today."

"Yea, Clay mentioned we were hoping to get him out by tonight. I'm glad we did."

Tinsley lets out a small sigh. "Your mom's throwing a party at the clubhouse. She wants me to come."

"What Gemma wants, Gemma gets." I chuckle.

She's not amused by my joke. "You better be done with whatever you're doing by then. I'm gonna need backup at this thing."

I'm full on laughing now. "Alright miss over dramatic. It's just a party, we're not going into battle."

Tinsley laughs along with me. "Yea, well, I remember how these things go, it's always crow eater central."

"Babe." I say suddenly serious. "You don't have to worry about them."

"So you'll come?" She asks, sounding hopeful.

"Of course."

"Great! My plan worked." She says and I know she's grinning, I can hear it in her voice.

I shake my head, knowing she played me. "I always fall for your tricks."

"I fall for yours too." Tinsley's tone is seductive.

I grip the phone tighter, feeling myself getting turned on. "I'll show you more of those tricks tonight."

"Deal." She says. "I'll let you go now, I'm sure you've got your hands full."

Tinsley has no idea how right she is. "I'll see you tonight darlin'. Kiss Abel for me."

"I will. Be safe. I love you."

"Love you too, babe." I hang up.

Her concern for my safety is eye opening and I realize how much my life is changing. I have responsibilities now, people who are waiting on me to come home every night.

I turn back to the dead Mayan and groan when I see the anarchy symbol Opie carved into his stomach. How the hell am I going to cover this one up?

Doing the only thing that comes to mind, I shoot round after round into the A until it is no longer recognizable. Then propping him up against a dumpster I move his stiff hands so he's holding up nine fingers.

Now this hit is pinned on the niners. The Club has enough shit going on right now that we don't need the Mayans on us trying to start a war.

I make sure I haven't left any evidence behind before climbing on my bike and heading home.

Walking through the front door, I'm surprised to see Tinsley with Abel in the kitchen and Kenny and Ellie on the couch in the living room watching tv.

Thankfully I thought to zip up my black sweatshirt so all evidence of what I've done today is hidden.

Tinsley looks just as shocked to see me, but equally happy. "Hey, I didn't think I'd see you till the party."

"I didn't know you'd be here...with everyone." I trail off, nodding in the direction of her niece and nephew.

She looks uncertain. "Well I came home to drop Abel with Neeta and when I couldn't get ahold of Opie, I figured I'd have her watch them too. Is that ok?"

Hunger (Jax/OC) SOA FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now