"Why don't you ever have pants on?" I heard Adam ask as I walked to the basement with my dirty clothes in my arms to put them in the hamper.

Typically, we all hung out in the basement. Not only was the WiFi somehow better, but it also had the biggest tv and it had the boys' Play Station. I turned away from the hamper that was next to the washing machine to see him sitting on the comfortable brown couch alone watching TV and I plopped down next to him.

"Why are you watching this movie," I began to ask as I put a few pieces of his popcorn in my mouth, "You hated it last time I wanted to watch it with you. You barely got through it."

He shrugged his shoulders and moved me around so that my back was against the armrest and he was sitting between my legs with the back of his head resting on my chest and the bowl of popcorn was on top of his stomach. I grabbed my phone and started to scroll through Instagram.

"I have to write a paper about a movie from this genre. I kinda remembered it so I thought it would be easier than doing something new." Adam explained, flinching at something that jumped out during the movie.

"Why didn't you invite any of your friends over?" I asked him curiously, thinking it was weird that he didn't take advantage of the offer that his mother had made to him early this morning.

"Eli and Clare have a date tonight. He surprised her so they're going to a concert when she gets out of her internship thing. I'm not really sure." He explained briefly and grabbed the remote to add the subtitles to the movie since we were talking to each other too now, "Besides, I didn't think you would be that comfortable with a bunch of people in the house when you get home. I didn't want you to be unnecessarily overwhelmed or extra stressed on your first day."

"I guess but you still should have invited Eli over then, you know I wouldn't care. He's your best friend." I said to him in an attempt to reassure him, scrolling through something on my phone that my friend back home had posted.

Adam moved away from me a bit and so that he would be able to look up into my eyes. smirking at me and making me groan since I already knew where he was going with this.

"Adam, don't-" I started to say at the same time that he started to speak as well.

"Does someone have a crush on Eli?" he asked, playfully, teasing me, "Ooooooh, I'm gonna tell Jake. No, better! I'm gonna tell Clare."

I felt my face heat up and I shook my head quickly. He wasn't exactly wrong, but it's not like Eli and I were going to be going anywhere with that friendship or relationship anytime soon. He had a girlfriend that he was very committed to. And to make matters worse, I had literally just gone on a date with that girlfriend's step brother.

"Don't get me wrong, he's cute and all. You know that he's my type." I started to say before locking my phone and shrugging, "But he has a girlfriend and even if he didn't I think Jake and I could be going somewhere."

"He thinks you're hot." Adam told me, almost causing me to choke on the mouthful of popcorn, "He saw a picture of all of us that your mom posted on Facebook because she tagged all of us. The one from that lake we all went down to for your grandma's birthday."

"It doesn't matter if he thinks I'm cute. I don't care. What matters is-" I started to say to him before registering what he had just said and then stopping my current train of thought, "-wait. Do you mean the pictures where I have the braids and the red bikini? The one that my grandma got mad at me for wearing and made me cover up?"

"Yup. He zoomed all the way in on your ass too." Adam said, tossing popcorn in the air and catching it back in his mouth easily.

"I looked fantastic that day. What else did he say?" I asked Adam excitedly and shook him just a little bit with some urgency, making him laugh.

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