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"You can't what?" Talthybios asked Daetor.
"I..." Daetor did not dare answer.
"You can't kill?" Talthybios interrupted, "you will have to, eventually" he added with a sigh.
Daetor looked sickened just by the thought of it.
"Well, meanwhile you think about it, we'll train" Talthybios said kindly.
"O-ok" Daetor stuttered.
"Come on, lets go to the garden" Talthybios smiled warmly"
"Yes, sir" Daetor answered obediently and followed Talthybios.
When they got to the garden Talthybios handed Daetor a sword and took one himself.
"Feel the sword, use it as if it were part of your arm!"

2 years later

"Clang! Clang! Clang!" The clashing of swords resonated throughout Talthybios villa.
Daetor swung his sword, causing Talthybios to fall down and drop his gladius.
"Good job kid" Talthybios smiled.
Today would be Daetors first real battle agains the spartan army.
I am 15 now, Daetor thought.
If he survived this war he would be able to go back with Acessamenus.
I have to get back to father. I have no choice, I must survive.
When Daetor got to camp, accompanied by Talthybios, he follow him up to a boulder-like man who seemed to be the centurion.
"Talthybios" The man greeted.
"Quintus" Talthybios gave the big man a light punch on the arm.
"This is my apprentice, Daetor" Talthybios said, pointing at him.
"I'm betting this one'll survive" Laughed Quintus.
"He will" Nodded Talthybios, looking at Daetor seriously "He will."

Daetor sat on the floor of his tent, thinking. The war was just about to start and he thought that he was not prepared. Quintus had told him not to be nervous and trust in Ares, god of war. He will guide me, thought Daetor. Along with Athena, he added.
At that moment the trumpets sounded, he stood up, making his armor squeak at every movement.
He walked out of the tent, uncomfortable with the heavy armor he had been given.
Daetor quickly took his place in the fifth rank along with other legionaries he did not recognize. He set up his stance, ready for the fight.
"Cohort III flank Legion II!" Shouted a centurion and all the legionaries in that cohort moved next to our legion. I sensed the ground rumbling as I saw soldiers charging towards us. Luckily, I was not frightened as the fight started, swords clashing, spears piercing, arrows flying. I lifted up my shield to block an arrow that was flying towards me when I heard a shout that sounded more like a scream.
Then I saw him, my master, surrounded by six enemy warrior all attacking at once. He was fending them off quite well but I knew he would lose hope soon. I ran towards him, ignoring the battle, I only cared for my father's safety. "Master!" I shouted, running faster and faster. "Father!" I called out, stretching out my sword to kill an enemy in front of me. Suddenly, an arrow whizzed past my forehead, as fast as the wind on a cold night and pierced someone's heart. That heart was my father's. I could not stand it anymore, I went berserk, killing all those around me, enemies of not, I did not care who they were. This was all the wars fault, it was their fault my savior had died, their fault. Those were my last thoughts as I fell into the sweet land of darkness.
Daetor woke up with a shout, remembering his father, Acessamenus. That cannot have happened!! He thought to himself, to angry, sad, desperate to admit it. He realized he was in a damp room with stone walls and iron bars. Daetor was in prison.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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