Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

My mom's 2003 Toyota minivan was buzzing. Everyone was running over the songs we were performing, in their heads. I heard Carolina singing "Love Struck" really quietly, and Ali was listening to random songs on her iPod, getting in the zone. We had to bring my little sister along, because she's to young to stay home alone and she was on HER iPod, rolling her eyes and mimicking us. My mom says she just wants to be like me when she's older, but I'm like 'yeah sure since she totally hates my guts.'

Anyway, we were still freaking out about the fact that the boys, or Eben (but who cares!!!!), tweeted about us! But, we were going to try to play it cool in front of them...

We pulled up to the venue. CityWalk. There were already a million girls standing in front of the outdoor stage. We went in the back door and started looking for our dressing rooms. I walked down the hallway and saw a star one of the doors. It said "Emmaleigh Anderson- Infinite Love" and I kinda freaked my head of course. Then, I looked at the door next to mine. It just happened to say "Will Jay- IM5Band" and I freaked out...just a LITTLE more. Definitely just a little.

I went back to meet up with the other girls after I was ready for the show. We were hanging out in the Green Room backstage, when Dana...yes...Dana VAUGHNS from IM5...walked in and said "Hey! You guys must be the lovely and famous Infinite Love! Am I right?" Of course, Moriah was the first to respond, because she's secretly in love with him. "Yeah, that would be us!" She introduced each of us. "Are you the amazing Dana Vaughns from IM5???" she asked with a smile. "No I'm definitely Michael Jackson," he replied sarcastically, coming over to sit with us. "You wish!" we heard Cole say when he came in, "Hey guys! Good to finally meet you!" he said, giving us each polite "christian side hugs." Dalton and Madison were right behind him. "What's up?!?" Dalton said, being his normal crazy self but not once letting go of Madi's hand. We all sat down and started talking about general "first-time-meeting-eachother" stuff.

"Where are the other guys?" Coco asked. "Oh, you know, Will's probably eating Nutella as usual and Gabe's just changing out of his Batman costume." So, this helped me see that they were all funny, but Dana was definitely the funniest. When the other boys finally came in, we were getting prepared, drinking tons of water, doing vocal warm-ups. But, over all the commotion I was watching Will. He came in and looked right at me. I wasn't sure, but it seemed like there was an instant connection. It was probably just my mind playing crazy tricks on me...

"Show time in 5, you ready girls?" a stage crew member asked. "Ready when you are!" Ali said. This was our shining moment, our chance to prove that we're worthy to be sharing a stage with IM5! "Good luck," Will whispered to me, I felt a shiver go down my spine. Show time. Let's do this.


How are you guys liking it??? Posting more tomorrow!

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