Chapter 2

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 The taxi driver pulled up to her hotel, she paid him $30 dollars, and told him to wait there and got out, she went inside and was grabbing her other two bags. She made sure she didn't look like she was in a hurry, otherwise she would have a problem. She took the elevator down and walked over to the front desk and checked out. 

 She never stayed very long after a kill, she pulled away from the counter too fast and crashed into someone, "My apologies, I wasn't looking where I was going," A man said, I looked up and he was really handsome, he looked about 20 or 21, he had brown hair, green eyes, and was 6 foot 1, and very sexy, but I didn't have time, I was taking to long as it was."Its my fault," and I rushed past him. "Hey wait!!" He called but I kept going at a brisk pace. I jumped into my cab and told him to drive to the airport, he pulled away as the guy got to the sidewalk. I looked behind, to see the guy staring at the taxi..I turned away and put my focus on getting out of here, without getting caught and without rousing suspicion.

 I got to the airport and I already had my ticket ready, I didn't run or seem like I was worried or anything. I got on the plane, and I didn't relax till after we took off. Then I leaned back in my seat and crossed my legs. I put on head phones and just closed my eyes.

 Two weeks later

 I got up and stretched, I got back from Russia two weeks ago, I was back to normal or what normal is for me. I live in New York City, I got up and changed into a skater black mini skirt, grey shirt with a knot at the bottom, black tights,  black combat boots , and a black leather jacket with a hood. I went into the bathroom and put my hair in loose curls, a brownish pink lip stick, and put a little bit of black eye shadow on my eyes. After I had changed, I put my gun in the back of my skirt, put on my black avaitor sunglasses, grabbed money, my keys and phone, and went into the garage of the apartment building I live in. I have a black Mercedes. I drove out of the parking lot and was going to my favorite coffee shop Starbucks.

 I got to Starbucks at 8:30, I walked in and ordered a caramel iced coffee with whip cream, and as I was leaving, I bumped into the guy from Russia, he stopped for a second and stared at me until he finally said," We got to stop meeting like this." He smiled, he had the most beautiful smile. "We've never met," I said plainly, and walked away.

 "Hey, " he said, and ran up to me, and put his hand on my arm, I turned around and gave him a death glare. "Alright relax," He said and took his hand off. "Did I do something wrong?" He asked. "No," I replied. "Then how about you give me a chance and stop looking like you are going to kill me," He replied," How about we sit down and have coffee, so I can get to know you and you can get to know me," he added. I opened my mouth to refuse, but he quickly said," Alright, lets sit down," he grabbed my arm, but not hard, and led me to a table, and pulled out the chair for me, so I sat down. (I mean it would be rude to refuse)

 He got his coffee, and then came and sat down across from me. "Out of curiosity, what on earth makes you think I want to get to know you?" I asked. "That was more of an excuse for me to get to know you," He smiled," So what's your name?" I let out a sigh, and then answered," Zoey."(I don't give people my real name,) "Zoey what?" "That's not any of your business," I replied coldly. He put his hands up in surrender. "What's your name then?" I asked, even though I acted like I didn't care. " Zander Andrews," He replied. "My turn. What is your favorite thing to do?" He asked. I thought for a moment, cause I couldn't say assassinating people. "Doing research and listening to music, among other things," I replied. He smiled," Intelligent and fun." I gave a slight smile. "Well as much as I enjoyed you asking me questions, I have to go," I stated. "Oh really, where do you have to go?" He asked. He was testing me and it was clever but also annoying. "I have to do some shopping for my apartment, so I don't have time for any more of your questions, so I must go," I replied. I was getting up when he said," You don't really get close to people do you?" I stopped and looked at him. "You are afraid to get close to people," He softly said. I opened my mouth to say something but I just closed it, not sure of what to say. Wow!! He is the first person to ever leave me speechless. "I would love to see you again, so if your are willing to give me a try, I will be at the fancy restaurant, two blocks away from here. If you show up then you are willing to give me a try...if you don't...then I know you are not interested and I will leave you alone," He said, but he wasn't cocky at all like all the other  guys would are, instead he was being sweet. He got up and walked out of the building.

(And I guess I will end it here, it seems like a good stopping point.)

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