Imagine For Emily

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Emily's POV: Me and Gordie where hanging out on my porch. "Man I'm bored." Gordie complained. "Wanna go swimming?" I asked him. "Sure you can get ready at your house. I need to run to my house to get my swim shorts." Gordie told me. As he ran off to his house I ran inside to get ready. I really really like Gordie. I just don't have the nerve to ask him out. I got done getting dressed and I went down to my porch and Gordie was sitting there waiting for me. "You ready to go Emily?" Gordie asked. I nodded my head yes and we headed down to the lake.

Gordie's POV: It was a little breezy outside but it was a nice day. I looked over at Emily and her beautiful blonde hair was flowing in the wind. Today is the day I was gonna tell Emily that I liked her. I really hope she doesn't reject me. Cause that would be embarrassing. We got to the lake and I picked up Emily easily because she was shorter then me, and threw her over my shoulder. "Gordie let me go!" Emily laughed. "Not happening"I laughed shaking my head. I ran toward to water and threw her in. She popped up from the water. "I hate you so much right now." She said. I jumped in the water and swam to her. "Sorry Emily." I told her. I went up to her and hugged her. I looked up into her beautiful green eyes and I finally had the courage to tell her. "Emily we have been friend for along time. But I don't wanna be friend anymore. I wanna be more than friends. So Emily will you be my girlfriend?" I asked her. "Yes! I have had a crush on you for such along time." She said smiling. I'm so happy and lucky to have a girlfriend like her.

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