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1. Pit is the child Magnus lost.

2. Palutena's final form is a peacock.

3. Pit and Dark Pit are brothers. The mirror creates a COPY, right? So, shouldn't their blood be the same if not similar? Making them related?

4. Hades was destroying the world to resurrect Persephone.

5. Zeus decided to turn Pandora into a Goddess because he wanted to "play Scrabble".

6. When it rains, Pit likes to run outside and sing at the top of his lungs. He always gets a cold the next day.

7. He says it's worth it.

8. When Pit is sick, he can do a really good Irish Accent. Knowing this, he imitates JackSepticEye, and earns a black eye from Dark Pit.

9. Palutena can't decide whether Pit is a cat or dog.

10. Everyone can agree that Dark Pit is a cat.

11. Dark Pit denies this.

12. Phosphora is the biggest Vocaloid fan the Gods have ever known.

13. Hades is the Lord of the Underworld, but needs glasses in his human form.

14. The Weapons from Soul Eater make Pit look like he's on a diet.

15. Viridi owns a selfie stick.

16. She always brings it around in case she finds someone taking a selfie.

17. Pit was glad he was in a Hot Spring when he was taking that selfie.

18. Pit and Dark Pit went to Indipopcon and met Jack and Mark.

19. Dark won't stop smiling.

20. This is scaring Pit.

21. When Pit destroyed the Lunar Sanctum, The Chaos Kin escaped, but Majora didn't. The Lunar Sanctum is the Moon that Crashes into Clock Town.

22. Pit can't fly because when he was a human, his legs didn't work right.

23. A part of Palutena's temple can be found in Warsaw, Poland.

24. The Peacock is Palutena.

25. Medusa's snakes eat not only mice, but Angels.

26. They like Barbecued Angel Wings.

27. Dark Pit likes it when a girl with long nails scratches the back of his neck.

28. Phosphora swears that Dark Pit purrs.

29. Dark Pit has no taste for art whatsoever.

30. Pit despises the ship HadesxPalutena.

31. Dark Pit brings it up just to piss off Pit.

32. Viridi doesn't support Gay Marriage because "It's not Natural!!"

33. Thanatos's human form is a hot young man with chocolate brown hair and green eyes.

34. Zeus is a dwarf with a long white beard.

35. Dark Pit's Home Screen on his Phone is a picture of Cryaotic with brown hair and wings holding a broken heart.

36. He calls it a "Cryaotic Pit".

37. Pit said this when he was defeating the Arum: "I'm Pit, servant of the goddess of dirt! Cuz pits are made of dirt! And if you mean a pit in a well, then stone! The goddess of stone and dirt! So basically Viridi!"

38. He was tired at the time and it was cut from the final game.

39. Dark Pit doesn't get sleep on Saturday nights.

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