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•Don't look up just let them think there's no place else you'd rather be. And now you can't turn back, because this road is all you'll ever have. ~ Paramore - Fences•

Dinas Pov

"Kyle.... if Devin doesn't.... doesn't make it. Promise me... you won't leave..." I say.

".....I promise." He says.

He sits next to me and hugs me tightly. Tears slip from my eyes quietly.

I haven't eaten in the last 10 hours, but I'm not hungry for some reason. I don't want to eat.

Kyles Pov

I wonder if she knows.... Maybe that's why she's making me promise to stay.

Maybe she knows that Devin..... won't make it.

Because what if..
What if that really happens?

What if Devin isn't able to defeat this. What if he's unable to open those crimson eyes. What if we never get to see his smiling face again?

I sigh.

I realize that Dina has fallen asleep in my arms.

I look at her face, tear streaks are stained on her cheeks.
Though they're there, she looks peaceful like nothing could bother her.

I smile and fall asleep myself.


My eyes flash open as a loud beeping noise goes off. It's not a flatline, no, it's Devins heart rate rising at a fast pace.

Dina also wakes up in a panic.

I notice the his heart rate is at 162, if he doesn't calm down he might die.

Doctors rush into the room and I'm left to try and calm Dina down. She's panicking a lot, crying so hard that she can't get words out, fear is clear in her eyes.

Devins Pov

He's back, Satan, he wants me to die. He wants to kill me!

I have to run.

I have to run but I can't see anything, it's still pitch black.

I look behind me and see that he's caught up quite a lot. I feel my heart speeding up.

I can hear screaming now, not mine, but of those I love.


They're in pain.

I feel a burning pain in my back. It turns into a sting. It feels as if I've been stabbed.

Oh.. right.... it's because I was.

Satan stabbed my back with a poisoned dagger.

But something is different....

I'm..... 10 again....

I fall to my knees as the dagger is pulled out of my back, I feel my veins boil and the poison spreads fast.


I hear a flatline monitor. I can hear Dina's voice, Kyle's voice. I hear doctors and nurses.

Could that flatline monitor be..... mine?

No.... I'm awake!

Guys! I'm not dead, I'm alive! Can't you hear me?

Is anyone there?

Kyles Pov

I'm calming Dina down, she's panicking a lot less.


The sound of a flatlined monitor screams and my body is paralyzed with fear. I feel my heart break into a million pieces.

I turn my head and look at Devin.

He's still...
He looks so peaceful,
So happy...

I can't hear anything else except the monitor.

I can't feel anything but pain.

I can't speak...

I don't know what to do.

Suddenly I feel Dina escape from my hands, my weak hands, I see her in sight, running over to Devins bed but the Doctors are already taking him away.


It's been over 6 hours.... a Doctor comes back to tell us the news.

It's bad news... he didn't even need to tell us...

Both Dina and I are crying our hearts out. I feel like I can't breath...

~Two Months Later~

It's been... two months... since Devin...... passed.

Dina is still managing as am I.

The only reason, I believe, she's still managing is because she's pregnant. With my child.

I'm happy that we're together, but I'm sad.... Because I feel I'm betraying Devin.

Dina is asleep in my arms, it's only 5:03 pm. A small smile forms on my face.

I get tired as well just by staring at her beautiful sleeping face. I fall asleep.

~Eight Months Later~

Dina has been in labor for twelve hours.
We've got names for the baby.

As soon as we found out she was pregnant we decided on the baby's name if it were a boy right away that it would be Devin.
Then it could be like we have our Devin back.... sorta.
If it were a girl we would name her Justice, so we would have our Justice back.

The doctor comes out and tells me it's a boy. A smile forms on my face.

Devin it is!
We've got our Devin back with us.

Devins Spirit Pov

I know what Kyles thinking.... 'Oh yay! We've got Devin back!' But the thing is, I've been here the whole time. I've never left their side.

I don't feel betrayed, actually, this is what I would've wanted for them.

But they didn't need to name their first born son after me, that flatters me and all, but it's a little much, don't you think?

Nonetheless I'm happy that I could've been here with them, even if they couldn't see me.

I promise I won't ever leave.

Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Even if you think that I've already gone, I'm still here.

I smile at the thought.

Authors Note

I...... I'm sorry.
I, for sure, am going to make a sequel to this. Definitely.
I'll post it on my profile ^_^ So look out for that.
But in the meantime.... ((gives tissues)) you'll need these.

Thanks for reading this story from beginning to end!

I'll see some of you in the sequel ^-^ because I know a lot of you might've thought this story sucked XD

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