Tribute Reservations {CLOSED}

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Helloooooo! This is where you'll reserve a tribute for the Games. I'll inform you now that, since there are no more Districts, the tributes will be put into sections. You'll be able to reserve a maximum of 2 tributes, and they can be whichever free tributes you want. Oh, one more thing... I got this idea from an ingenious friend. THE TRIBUTE YOU CREATE HAS TO BE A REFLECTION OF YOU AS A PERSON. It's meant to discern how well you'd do in the Games, so make sure the tribute is an almost-exact replica. If you don't feel comfortable doing so, then just make a few tweaks. If you're a girl that has reserved a male tribute, then just make a male version of you, and vice versa. And another reminder, these Games will probably not start for another month or two, so if you're already in a Games... Don't worry. These will be postponed until my other Games are completed.

Female #1 - @minijessie_
Male #1 - @Harley_Quinn_18
Female #2 - @-erudite-
Male #2 - GeneticallyUnpure
Female #3 - _TheFaultInOurWifi_
Male #3 - boywiththebooks

Female #1 - ImpossiblyFiery
Male #1 - @FrankieWritesBooks
Female #2 - HogwartsStudent66
Male #2 - ___Alextron___
Female #3 - MockingSlayyy
Male #3 - @RebellionAuthor

Female #1 - AVAILABLE
Male #1 - Aqua-Aqua
Female #2 - @PrincessInTheShadows
Male #2 - @Divergent-MazeRunner
Female #3 - @josie-tee
Male #3 - @Shelties2

Female #1 - Ibblebibble123
Male #1 - @Squad53
Female #2 - @CloveMcLean
Male #2 - WhovianHorseLover
Female #3 - FabulouslyNerdy13
Male #3 - @a-k-a-anonymous

The tribute form and sponsor form will be posted... Later on XD, along with the Sponsor reservations. Remember, there is no time limit for how long it takes you to make said forms; these Games will be postponed until my other Games finish. If there's something I'm missing, or if you pre-reserved a tribute and I didn't write it, just let me know :) And if someone could make a new cover for my book (my covers are mediocre at best, and I'd appreciate it if someone could make an amazing cover) One more thing; don't forget my new email!

Author Games - Jailbreak {CLOSED}Where stories live. Discover now