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It's been two days since Niall's proposed and I still can't believe it! We told the boys right away and they were very excited but not as excited as I am. Niall called his family and I called my mother but I feel like I forgot someone...Oh gosh, Zayn! I quickly grabbed my phone and dialed in his number.

"Pick up, pick up, pick up"I mumbled

It continued to ring until I heard Zayn's deep voice mumble out a hello.

"Zayn? It's Jenny"

"Oh, Hey Jen. What's up?"

"I have some news to tell you"

"Okay, what is it?"

"Niall and I.. Are getting married!"

"That's great Jen! I'm happy for you two"

"Thanks Zayn! Anyways I have to get going, Bye!"

"Bye Jen"

After that I ended the call, we
only have two more days in New York before going back to the U.K and I have to say I don't really want to go back but I'm excited to go back to waking up to England's cold weather.

A magazine soon was slammed down on the table.
I look up to see Niall's face but he looked kinda angry.

"What's wrong Ni?"

"This!"He yelled out as he pointed to the magazine article.

I grabbed the magazine and read the article.

One Directions, Niall Horan is seen with a mystery girl and she has an engagement ring on her finger! Is Niall engage to that girl? Let's all hope Niall's still available! Apparently her name is Jenny, hm wonder who she is. Let's look at some things that fans have been saying.

'Daisy H. says: I hope Niall isn't marrying her! He can do so much better.'

'Layla C. says: Her name is Jenny!? That's such ratchet a name.'

"Hannah H. says: I totally ship it! Jiall forever!!!'

'Anonymous says: I'm glad Niall found somebody. I hope everything goes well with them. :)'

I was more shocked than angry. How did they find out? Damn paparazzi and there ninja skills. But the last two were very nice and I'm glad some fans are supportive. I look up from the magazine to see a pacing Niall.

"Calm down Niall, It's okay"

"No it's not! Just look what they said about you!"He yelled

"Did you see the last two? They're not mean"

Niall grabbed the magazine and look at it.

He soon cracked a small smile, there's the happy Niall.

I walk over to him and I give him a hug.

"No matter what they say I'll always love you.."He mumbled

"I know you will.."

This chapter is dedicated to peanutbutter59  for the very nice DM she sent me :) xx

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