Chapter 41 - She's One Of The Boys

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Brody’s eyes narrowed a little, giving me the suspicion they were arguing about something, Eva gave a small growl and he glanced away for a moment before she turned her beautiful face to look at me, shaking her head a little with an annoyed look.

“What?” I half snapped.

“Don't worry,” she muttered before turning to Brody again.

‘They look a little tense,’ Vance’s voice filled my mind.

My eyes didn’t move from Eva as I answered him, ‘They’re arguing – again.’

‘Does she argue with all of them like this?’

‘No,’ I growled angrily, ‘She’s really close with all of them.’

‘When are we attacking the rogues – I'm looking forward to a fight.’ He smirked, Vance is a fighter – he was born one and will die one. He’s a few years older than me and taught me most of my moves when I was younger, actually him and a few of the other older wolves taught most of us our moves before we could even shift but natural talent also plays a big part in how we fight.

‘They’re meant to be attacking us in four days so we will go to them before that.’

“Can you bring me back a game console? It’s so boring here,” Eva finally spoke out loud, ending mine and Vance’s silent conversation so I could concentrate on her now.

“Or you can just come back with me, you know we would keep you safe,” he muttered sourly.

“Not happening,” I growled loudly, making them both turn and look at me. Brody with anger and Eva with annoyance as she shook her head at something she was thinking and looked back at her brother.

“It’s only for a few days tops and then I’ll be back before you know it and you all will be wishing I had stayed away longer,” she chuckled to herself but Brody didn’t see the humour in it.

Personally, I could only wish they chucked her out onto the streets just so she could come live here with me – even if she still refuses to join my pack because she will be soon. She can’t deny me that forever, who has ever heard of mates belonging to separate packs before?

“How about you just come spend tonight at home, one night won’t make a difference and that way I know you’re safe,” and he shot me a glaring look. He is the most stupid wolf I have ever met, to think I wouldn’t keep Eva safe.

“Bro-,” Eva started to say his name but I cut her off.

“Why don't you stay here the night, since you obviously don't trust my ability to keep her safe,” I smirked slightly as his head snapped in my direction, his eyes full of complete distrust and suspicion while Eva grinned ear from ear.

‘What the hell man!’ Vance shouted in outrage.

‘I know what I'm doing,’ I snapped back at him while keeping my face free of emotion from Brody.

‘What could you even gain from this?’

‘Eva.’ It was one simple word but that simple word meant more to me than I cared to ever admit. I’ve had enough of her interfering family and them always being put before me but I’ve decided if I play the good guy card and pretend I'm making an effort – which I know Brody for one will never return, then I won’t look like the bad guy anymore.

“That’s a great idea!” she cheered, clapping her hands together and jumping to her feet, “I’ll go find you a room!” and she bolted out of the lounge room.

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