One Shot 1 - House Of Horrors

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'Finally!' Mark thought as he hurriedly pulled on some trousers while chewing on a slice of toast. Today was Friday, aka 'date day' for him and Jack, and he was super excited because Jack had planned a surprise for this particular late September date. He allowed his mind to run wild as he swallowed his food and replaced it with the fob of his car keys, thinking about all the amazing and fun things jack could have in store for him. He'd never admit it, but he absolutely loved being spoiled rotten by his little Irish loudmouth. Jack certainly knew how to treat him in all the right ways.
As he quickly slid on his shoes and grabbed a jacket, he gave himself one more look over in the mirror opposite his front door, fixed a few wayward hairs atop his glorious floof and then bounced out of the door, almost knocking one of his neighbours out in the process.
Mark didn't even turn around as he shouted his apology over his shoulder, too preoccupied with dashing to his car to see who it was. That was probably for the best, as Jack's plan would have been ruined if Mark had recognised the conniving little Brit with the purple streak in her hair.
"Septic potato? Septic potato? Come in, septic potato!" Minx whispered into her phone, still unsure if Mark could hear her.
"This is septic potato!" A very thickly accented voice echoed down the line,
"Is markiboob in position?"
"Just got into his car. Nearly knocked me off my feet!" Minx exclaimed, feeling safe to talk normally now that she could see Mark pulling out of the apartment car park.
"What!? Did he see you!?" The Irish man squawked, flooding with worry.
"Don't worry," minx giggled, walking down the steps to the car park where Mark had been not a minute before,
"He was way too excited to notice who I was. He didn't even stop or turn around."
"Agh sorry minx!" Jack mumbled. It was obvious he was face-palming through the phone from how muffled it was.
"It's ok," minx laughed, getting into a car and smiling at her red-eyed driver. She put her phone on the dashboard of the car and put it on speaker so that her partner in crime could hear the Irishman speak.
"We all know that he can be clumsy and oblivious, especially when he's excited."
"A fair point," Jack mumbled thoughtfully through the line.
"I feel bad for doing this to him."
"Can't back out now!" The red eyed girl exclaimed.
"You got us into this so you're gonna see it through!"
"Oh, hey krism!" Jack laughed, unaware that she was listening until now.
"You have a point there! Make sure to follow him closely to make sure he gets here safe, will ya?"
"Yes sir, Mr septic potato sir!" Krism laughed, starting the engine.
"See you in a few, Sean." Minx giggled, hanging up before jack could say goodbye.
On the other end, Jack had an evil grin spread across his face. Krism was right, there was no backing out now. He was actually looking forward to this, in a twisted way. He knew that Mark would be running for his life and screaming in terror before too long, and it filled him with utter glee.
"See you soon, markimoo~"


Mark had gotten stuck in traffic immediately after pulling out of the car park. Great. This made him grumble angrily and grip his steering wheel tightly for a little while, but he took this as his chance to enter the coordinates that Jack had given him into his satnav. The place seemed to be quite a far distance away, which was unusual for Jack as he tended to take him places in the town they lived in.
This of cause peaked Mark's interest and added more excitement to the mix. Mark knew every restaurant and place in town like the back of his hand, so the prospect of going somewhere new excited him greatly. Jack must have been planning something very special for him! If only he knew.
The traffic finally moved and he pulled off quickly, leaning forward in his seat like he was ready to pounce on the road. He drove the limit to try and catch up on the lost time and luckily didn't run into anymore traffic on his journey. He was relieved when he realised he was no longer going to be late and relaxed greatly, slowing down into a comfortable speed.
Three quarters through his 40 minute journey, he noticed a car behind him was getting uncomfortably close to his. It made him a little annoyed, and he decided to break suddenly to get them to back off. As if the driver of the vehicle read his mind however, they backed off substantially. Their driving was all together a very sporadic and crazy driver, so Mark thought it best to change lanes and avoid them all together. That's when the satnavs monotone voice piped up, telling Mark to turn at the next intersection. Luckily, the other car didn't follow when he did.
It didn't matter anyway; he was here.

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