Chalter 2

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The next day, Chrollo and the troupe had to go out again, but Feitan was still sick! They couldn't risk hiring another sitter that feitan would just kill, so they called Hisoka because they didn't really care if he died.

"Hisoka" chrollo said into the phone.

"I'm at work, dude," Hisoka replied. He hated when people bothered him when he was at work because he was really dedicated to his job as a cashier at Fry's food and drug.

"Don't care, I need you to do something for me." Chrollo chrolloed.

Hisoka sighed and began to ask what it was, but Chrollo had already hung up the phone. He left his job without telling his boss, he didn't care.

When he arrived at the troupe HQ, he approached Chrollo, who pointed at something on the floor in the middle of the room. It looked to be a trash bag, but it was moving!

"Feitan's in there," Chrollo whispered.

Hisoka looked around at the other troupe members confusedly. "Okay...?"

Chrollo lunged and quickly put a hand over Hisoka's mouth, shushing him. "You have to be quiet he's sleeping."

Hisoka backed up, afraid.

"Look, he's sick and we need you to watch him while we're out. All you have to do is feed him at exactly 12:00. there's some soup in the fridge." Chrollo continued.

Hisoka nodded, sweating profusely and Chrollo removed the hand from his mouth. He and the troupe soon left again. With that, Hisoka sat down on the ground near the bag and began building a house of cards. When his wristwatch beeped to inform him that it was 12:00, he lifted the bag up and shook it above his head. "Feitan wake up it's time to eat" he said. Feitan fell out of the bag and onto the floor. Tears were streaming down his face.

"What the FUCK" he said, curling up into fetal position.

Hisoka walked over to the fridge and looked for the soup. There were about 50 cans, but nearly all of them had sticky notes on them that said "FRANKLIN". Hisoka didn't want to mess with Franklin's stuff because Franklin secretly terrified him. He dug around until he found a can that had Feitan's name on it. It was 3 meat chili. He ripped the lid off and put it in the microwave for 5 minutes. When it was done, he reached in and grabbed the can but it was really hot so he burned his hand and dropped it. He went and got an oven mitt and brought the can over to feitan with a spoon in it.

"Here comes the plane," he said, stuffing the spoon into Feitan's mouth. the tears just continued to stream down his face. The hot soup was burning his mouth.

"How is it?" Hisoka asked. "Do you like it? Is it good?" However, he didn't give feitan a chance to answer, he was still shoving soup into his mouth. And feitan was still sobbing.

Hisoka was offended. He snatched the soup away from feitan. "If you don't like my soup, you don't have to eat any."

"N-no, wait--" Feitan began.

"NO it's fine. I get it." Hisoka began walking away. He didn't need this kind of treatment

"I still want the soup!" Feitan yelled.

Hisoka smiled, turning around. "What was that?"

"I still want the soup, Hisoka. I haven't eaten in three days,.."

Hisoka went and sat back down, continuing to shove spoonful after spoonful of blazing hot soup into Feitan's mouth.

But this time, Feitan wasn't sad. He was angry. Angry that he was sick, that the troupe had left him with Hisoka, and that Hisoka was being so weird and scary as always. Before he realized what he was doing, he had activated his nen again!

Hisoka suddenly felt really sweaty all of a sudden and looked up only to notice that Feitan was wearing some kind of weird outfit.

"Feitan what the heck is that?" he asked, moving away cautiously.

"块垃圾" feitan said.

Hisoka was just about to ask what he'd said when he noticed the massive sun hovering above them! He screamed, picked up feitan, and started running.

"知道你的位置" said feitan, after being whisked away by hisoka, who was frantically sprinting away from the sun.

"I can't understand you feitan I ca--"




"WHAT?!" hisoka sobbed.

This snapped feitan out of it, and he looked up at the sun, then hisoka. "This always happens." he muttered.

"How do we stop it?!" hisoka asked, still running.

"It's too late now." feitan replied. "Run."

Hisoka yelled, sprinting at top speed, 100 miles per hour, but the sun kept following them. They ran in circles around the city for 3 hours before they both collapsed from exhaustion on the sidewalk.

Feitan gets sickWhere stories live. Discover now