'If he hurts you, I'll hurt him double,' Fred told her, leaning down to kiss her forehead.

'Fair enough,' Scorpius nodded, 'but I won't hurt her.'

Amelia smiled and hugged Fred, finally feeling happy that she had both of her parents on her side now even if they were fighting.

'Well, I have a wedding to plan and I guess, I'm not needed here,' Hermione said quietly before closing her eyes and disapparating before they could stop her.


Hermione clenched her coat tighter around herself as she carried the folder with her plans for Amelia's wedding. She and Draco were planning on checking out venues before picking a few and letting Amelia decide.

'If you don't take my hand, we can't disapparate together,' Draco smirked at her and leaned forwards to tuck a strand of her hair into her winter hat.

Hermione sighed and grabbed his hand, closing her eyes. Draco looked at her for a second, thinking she wasn't as fun as she normally was. He sighed and apparated them to an outdoor venue. He opened his eyes and barely glanced at the beautiful sea side view and the ground that was covered in snow but would look amazing in the summer. He turned his attention to Hermione, letting her look at the venue instead.

'Is it your loser husband that put you in a bad mood this morning?' Draco asked, following her around as she checked the place out.

'He's not a loser. I love him,' Hermione said coldly.

'No, you don't. You love me,' Draco said arrogantly, narrowly avoiding walking into some piled up snow. He dodged to the side, getting closer to her.

Hermione didn't look at him as she took notes about the place, wondering if Amelia would like this venue, 'I've never told you I loved you.'

'You don't have to say it. I can read your mind,' Draco looked serious, putting his hand on her back.

Hermione finally glanced at him for a brief second and murmured, 'what do I want right now?'

'My lips.'

'Wow, you can read minds!' Hermione said sarcastically and pulled away when Draco leaned in for a kiss, 'sarcasm, Malfoy.'

'Hmm... one day you'll give in. It's just a shame we're getting old. We could have had a perfect, rich life together,' Draco told her, 'you, and me, no kids. Bed all day... food whenever we want it... no clothes... it would have been perfect.'

Hermione tried to ignore him, feeling her heart ache. If she hadn't been with Fred, her life would be incomplete but now... she did like Draco, she wanted him but she couldn't. Firstly, she was married which should be reason enough and secondly, her daughter was marrying his son!

'... and a bigger guy than Weasel and a pool that we could swim in, definitely,' Draco grinned, 'too bad you married the wrong guy.'

'A bigger...? Draco, shush. Focus,' Hermione blushed slightly and grabbed his hand, 'to the next venue.'

Draco donned his face with his legendary smirk and did as she told, apparating them to different venues. Hermione had to force him to concentrate and tell her his thoughts about all the places they were visiting but Draco didn't care. He was only here because this way he could spend time with her. He was thankful when the last venue had been seen and they could stop.

'This is exactly like going shoe shopping with women,' Draco stated, groaning as he slung his arm over Hermione's shoulder and looked at her lips rather than her eyes as she talked.

'Let's go to your place and sit down in a warm room,' Hermione murmured as she tried to warm herself, 'and you can tell me which venues you like as soon as you stop staring at my lips.'

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