Girl Meets the Forgotten

Start from the beginning

"Please, bell, ring." Cory pleaded. I gave him a confused look. The bell didn't ring. "Ring!" Cory shouted. He grabbed his stuff and ran out of the door. I stared at the door. "You could do that?" Maya and I asked in amazement. 


"I wonder what electives we're gonna get." Riley said, as she, Maya, and I stood in the lunch line in the cafeteria, "I hope we get good ones." "Why do they call them "electives" if they make us do them?" Maya asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. And why do they call it shop class?" I asked. "That was the biggest disappointment of my little life." Riley added. "Mines too, sister," I said, as we moved up in the line. 

The lunch lady dropped a spoonful of blob on Riley's tray. "Yum, blob." Riley said, sarcastically. "All right, no blob for me, please." I told her. "Or me. Not because it's not good, only because there's no taste and no flavor." Maya said. I nodded. The lunch lady still dumped blob on our trays. "Okay." Maya and I said. 

"You know I made that myself." The lunch lady told us. "What is it?" Riley asked. "I call it, "Tuesday." The lady told us. I furrowed my brow. "But it's Thursday." I reminded. "Mm-hmm." She said, "No throwing rolls!" The three of us walked to our table.  "Well, she's in a good mood today." I pointed out. "That's the happiest I've seen her." Maya added.

I sat down at our table to see the boys making some sort of volcano. "Look, I don't care what electives we get, just as long as we don't end up in," Riley started. "Dun-dun-dun!" Lucas and Farkle shouted. "Cafeteria duty." I finished. Maya, Riley, and I shuddered in disgust and in fear.

"Do you guys ever actually eat the food?" Cory asked, walking over to us. "No." The 5 of us replied in unison. I started to play around with my blob as Mr. Matthews walked off. I looked up when I felt something gooey hit my head. I looked up and saw some blob dripping down on me. I looked straight ahead and saw Lucas smirking. 

"Sorry, madame," He said, still smirking. I gave him a fake smile. "No problem here, Mr. Friar. But. Can I tell you something?" I said. "What?" Lucas asked. I stood up and walked over to him. "Your little project here. It's missing something," I told him, gesturing to his and Farkle's volcano made out of blob. "Really? Where?" Lucas questioned. He looked around the volcano. I sneakily picked up some blob from Lucas's lunch tray. "Right here," I said, smushing my globby hand all over Lucas' face. I pulled my hand away. "Oh," I heard him mumble. I gave him an innocent smile before returning to my seat.

"Hey, how do you guys actually make this thing erupt?" Maya asked the boys. "Maya, don't!" Lucas shouted, trying to get the blob on his face off. "She's gonna blow!" Farkle shouted, as Maya poured something into the volcano. The volcano sort of erupted. Not really. "Why do they build their villages so close? Why?" Riley asked. I shrugged. The bell ringed. We all stood up and were about to walk out of the room, but Mr. Matthews stopped us. "Hey, hey, hey. Where are you guys going? What's the rush?" Cory asked. I shared a confused look with Maya and Riley.

"Geralyn, janitor Harley, can you come over here for a minute?" Cory asked, calling the two over. The two stood next to Cory. "So, you guys don't think you should have to clean any of this up?" Cory asked, "Geralyn, do you think they realize when they waste their food like this it makes you feel bad?" "I feel bad." 'Geralyn' told us. "And janitor Harley, do you think they realize when they make a mess in the cafeteria, it makes you feel bad?" Cory asked the janitor. "I actually feel I deserve what I get. But I have all kinds of different issues." The janitor told us. I gave him a curious look.

"You know, in just a few minutes you guys played with your food and you left a mess without any regard or respect for anyone else." Cory told us. "It's not just us." I defended. "I know.And you're the good ones. I'm gonna go ahead and assign you your electives now." Mr. Matthews told us. I looked at Maya and she shrugged. "Girls, your electives will be, and I don't think anybody saw this one coming." Cory began. "Oh, no." I heard Riley mumble. "Cafeteria duty." Cory finished. "How you doin'?" Geralyn asked, putting her arms around, Riley, Maya, and me. "I've been better." Maya told her. I nodded.

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