Gone. - Chapter 1.

Start from the beginning

We drove for about 10 to 15 minutes but I wasn't too sure. I'd lost every sense of time.

I could feel the van slowing, hitting what I guessed was grass. The van got shaky and I struggled not to fall over as I was still tied up.

"We're here," a masculine voice said, coming from what sounded like the driver, "get her out of the van and bring her to the others," the man ordered, his voice laced with authority. He didn't even sound close to as nice as he sounded when he asked me for the way. The others? Were there more girls? Boys? What are they going to do with me? Are they going to kill me? Or will they sell me? My mind was full of questions and my heart was beating fast.

Someone grabbed me by my shoulders and lift me up.

"Please let me go. I promise I won't tell anyone. Just please," I begged. "Shut up," the man in whose arms I was replied. His voice was much different than the driver's voice. It was much deeper.

He walked me outside. I winced as he pushed me and I fell to the ground. "Get up," he ordered. As my attempt to stand up failed he moaned in annoyance but helped me. "Thank you," I whispered.

We walked a few metres and then the man suddenly stopped me.

"I'm going to take off your blindfold now. Don't scream or do anything stupid, you'll regret it. And besides, no one could hear you anyway," he said. I nodded and my heart was racing.

I quivered as I felt hands touching my face, making their way to the knot that held my blindfold in place.

Even though it was dark, it took a few seconds for my eyes to see clearly. I looked around, realising I was somewhere in the middle of nowhere. All I could see was landscape but there wasn't much to see since it was night.

I took a step back, startled as I saw the man's face who had physically assaulted and kidnapped me. He looked much older than the driver, maybe in his early 40s. He was white, just like the driver but didn't have a beard. He was slightly bigger than the other man. Both men were about the same height.

"Surprise," the man said, faking euphoria, "now let's go," he pushed me towards the small stone house that I hadn't noticed until now.

We went inside and I saw two beds, a wooden chair and table, a small fireplace and a black carpet on the floor. We went in the direction where the chair and table were, so I assumed that that is where I'm going to stay. As I went to sit down the man said, "Hey where do you think you're going?!" "I-I was going t-to sit down?" I stuttered, surprised by his reaction. Where am I supposed to go?

As if he read my mind, he motioned for me to go towards the carpet answering my question. They're not actually going to make me sleep on the ground, are they? Well they already kidnapped me, so they probably are going to.

To my astonishment, he moved the carpet away and there was a trap. He opened it. "Ladys first," he smirked, and I stumbled towards the stairs that led underground.

I almost fell because it was so dark and I couldn't see the stairs but I made it.

"Wow," I murmured to myself. The basement was huge compared to what I'd seen upstairs. There was a long but slim corridor that seemed endless. On the sides were many chambers.

"Walk straight forward," he instructed me and I did.

I turned my head to the side as I heard a whimper. I was walking to the door of the chamber where the sound had come from when the man suddenly gripped my arm and spun me around. But I still was able to catch a glimpse of a girl? Yes, a girl was in there. What is this place?

"Hey!" I yelled at him, surprised by my sudden confidence boost.

"Watch your mouth, bitch," he growled, "just walk straight forward and don't look around, we don't have time for noisy people like you." I could feel that he was getting annoyed so I shut my mouth and just did as I was told. Every now and then I'd slowly look to the right or left and see a scared girl in one of the chambers, which scared me.

After a few more steps he stopped me. "Go inside," he said pointing at an empty chamber. "No please. I don't want to," I cried. I felt my eyes water for the first time since I'd been abducted. I didn't want to stay here. I wanted to go home. I think realisation only hit me now. I had been kidnapped. And I had no idea what they were going to do with me or to me.

"Just make it easier for me and for you and just go inside," he said.

I knew I had no choice so I went inside. I heard him lock the door and walk away. I looked round and noticed a bed. It was made out of wood and had a thin mattress on it. I doubted that it was any comfortable. There was no toilet. In fact, there was nothing in this room but that bed and a chair. Since there was nothing I could do and I was feeling tired, I laid down on the bed.

This is crazy. I felt my eyes water again. My mom was probably already home and worrying about me. Mom. I already miss her so much and I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

"Why me?" I cried to myself. How was this happening to me? This doesn't happen to people like me. I brought my hands up, touching my wet face. I couldn't stop crying and my heart was aching.

My eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. I struggled to keep my eyes open, I was really tired and weakened from today's events.

Slowly I fell asleep.

A/N: Hello to the people who are reading this! How are you? Thank you for taking your time to read this! This is actually my first real story but I still hope you enjoy it! I know I need to improve my writing skills but that's only happening by writing. Time will tell.

I don't have a plan for when I'm going to update yet but stay tuned x

Anyways, please please vote, SHARE, comment and leave me feedback!

- Twitter: zjmftsugg (come say hello !)

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