My deck! Wait...this is new?

514 12 5

~ I am glad to have your votes it's very nice of you for that I am going to give you 3 early I was going to wait till next week but here you go thank you all! ~

Jaden prov.
I was sitting in class half asleep as the teacher talked when kuriboh appeared his wings were more white and he seemed to have a hair clip and smaller paws that's strange I take a close look and notice he is also a she so this curse thing got kuriboh too! Wait.... Hold it! My deck! I pulled it out and shuffled through the cards and low and behold all my monster cards were now the opposite gender! Great just great!
Forgetting I was in class I stood up and ran out the room the teacher yelling at me as I go.

I'm running till I can find an open area I can sit in and think when I do it's much appreciated. I sit down and try to gather my thoughts then kuriboh can around bounceing like something is wrong " what is it pal? "
She made a small sound like all kuribohs do and bounced off. I got up and followed her.

When I cought up with her she was makeing circles around Chazz who was trying to get her to go away. " hey Chazz! " I look at kuriboh as she dissipated back to my deck. " came to get your furball good, it was pestering me " he said as he looked at my deck an then to me " yea I did but she was pointing out that something was wrong are you ok Chazz? " I looked at him to seek if he was alright. " me? Of course I'm fine why would the furball lead you to me? " he leans in a bit " I don't know but it must be inportant " I grabbed his wrist and pulled him all the way to his cabin and let me say he protested all the way there.

" let me go! You have no right to do this!" I released him and he turned to leave but that's not an option so I sat in front of the door and he stood there " ok fine you win now what do you want?" I smiled in victory " for you to stay here " I pointed to the ground for reference to the cabin " wait no no no I have class to get to I can't just stay here! " he was trying to find any excuse not to stay " well if you stay here nothing will happen ok? I'm just taking kuribohs advice on this one " he sighed and flopped on the couch " what ever slacker " great I don't have to worry about him now to get back to my deck.

I pulled it out an laid them on the floor in front of me, my neo spaceians are all mixed up as well! This could not get worse! I put away my deck and stand up to go to the bathroom.

I get there and shut the door my legs have felt icky all day I guess it's a girl thing. I sit down and notice my shorts ( finally got lex to get rid of the skirt ) are no longer white but red they don't change color do they? I take a closer look to see its blood and I screamed this can not happen! I know I have had a few scratches before but this much blood I have never seen where was I hurt? I never fell did I? I heard a knock on the door. " It's open! " Chazz walked In " dude what was the scream for? " He noticed my pants "oh? That's right your a girl " what does that mean? " I stand up a few tears in my eyes for effect as I asked " Chazz will you help me please? " he sighed " olny because it's MY bathroom your getting blood all over " he picked up my diry shorts tossed them into a bin and then went into a cubberd digging around until he found what appears to be a white stick
" Your gonna hate me dude but you asked for it at this is all lex has in here "
- 5 minutes latter -

" Chazz I appreciate the help but you could have just told me how it works instead of doing it for me "
He calls this white stick a tampon and what I have is called a period I would rather not go into to what went on from there. " you asked for help and knowing you slacker you would get it wrong and I olny had one as a spare so deal with it " he sat down on the couch again I looked out the window it was dark out so I curled up on a chair and went to sleep.

Chazz prov.
Knowing slacker she would have never figured that one out so yes I helped big deal! I noticed she was asleep and I looked out the window being the nice guy I am I put a blanket over her and went to my room. I feel weird around her now I wonder what feeling this is it makes my heart beat and I can't seem to do anything but listen and help her along I don't know but I'm going to sleep on it. I pulled out my covers and went to bed for the night.

the curse that changed his life or should i say her (yugioh gx gender bent)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя